Necrotic Geist
Necrotic Geist is a 6 Mana Cost Common Neutral Minion card from the Knights of the Frozen Throne set!
Card Text
Whenever one of your other minions dies, summon a 2/2 Ghoul.
Flavor Text
An eye for an eye, and a ghoul for a ghoul.- Mana Cost: 6
- Attack: 5
- Health: 3
- Crafting Cost: 40 / 400 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 5 / 50 (Golden)
- Rarity: Common
- Class: Neutral
- Card Type: Minion
- Set: Knights of the Frozen Throne
- Mechanics: Summon
Cards Relating to Necrotic Geist
Ghoul Type: Minion - Cost: 2 - Attack: 2 - Health: 2 |
Same problem with cult master, too low health and requires at least some board presence to have value, otherwise it will just get removed and you lose temple.
This card
+ 2x animated berserker
+1x Knifejuggler
Animated beserker says PLAY a minion, not summon it. It wouldn’t work sadly
Not worth it. I would still prefer Cult Master over this thing. It’s way too costly and it’s body is not much of a deal at this point of the game. I am quite shocked how low the power level of cards are in this expansion. Though I would still not count it out since all cards still haven’t been revealed, still, I am quite surprised.
This may be a good arena card,
but i doubt it, it will be played in constructed
Necrotic geist + unleash the hounds ?
For this minion to be worth it, at least 2 minions need to be generated from it. It’s also worth mentioning that as long as this minion stays alive, the Ghouls will be like Dreadsteed, and allow you to keep recycling the same 2/2 over and over again provided Necrotic Geist doesn’t die.
But that aside, this card is better value than Soul of the Forest, which isn’t saying much because Soul of the Forest saw no play. However, for a 6 drop, its stat distribution is dreadful, probably what lets the card as a whole down. 3 health, for a 6 drop, is nothing, and basically means all it takes is a 2 drop or Lightning Bolt to remove it.
It might see play in Arena as a win-more card, but it’s too vulnerable to removal to use in Constructed.
except soul of the forest did see play in egg druid back before all the deathrattles from gvg and naxx got rotated out not saying this card is anywhere near playable just nitpicking
you can play this then trade your entire board away
next turn if they don’t kill this, you can do it again
and again
might see some play in a midrange hunter?
in arena this will be amazing
Why are all of the minions in this set understated pieces of garbage?
Out of nowhere we get a bad common version of Roger but ok 2k17 the year that fanmade cards went into the real game
Compare this to Cult Master, yeeahhhhhhhhh
cool for Arena…
Sooo… soul of the forest (which is never played) but later in the game and on a terribly stated minion that dies to 2-drops.
Sooo…soul of the forest plus a 5/3 for only two more mana? It kind of is a 2-drop.
But the effect goes away when the ghoul dies, and no one play soul of the forest at 4 mana.