Nature Studies
Nature Studies is a 1 Mana Cost Common Druid Spell card from the Scholomance Academy set!
Card Text
Discover a spell. Your next one costs (1) less.
Flavor Text
"I have a first edition! Go ahead, count the rings."- Mana Cost: 1
- Crafting Cost: 40 / 400 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 5 / 50 (Golden)
- Rarity: Common
- Class: Druid
- Card Type: Spell
- School: Nature
- Set: Scholomance Academy
- Mechanics: Change Cost, Discover
So they advertised it like Studies was gonna be one of the expansion-defining mechanics of Scholomance, and then only print…2 that are class specific?
Am I missing something?
Bunkers. 4 stars for sure!
You can play this on a turn and the next spell you play will cost 1 less next turn as well. Really good. 4/5
Spellburst synergy anyone?
This is a Hype Card, but I’m actually going to give it 4 Stars, just becuase you don’t always get what you want, even if that card will cost 1 mana less. Though Druids can go crazy with Nature Studies, Espically if they found Mana gaining spells in Pre turn 10.
Nice card that can pull you a card that would have been playable that curve turn and still let you use it.
Extra value for Quest druid? I’m liking new Druid cards for this expansion
Druid’s Renew
Giving you the awnser you need or proving you with another copy of a strong spell turned out to be really strong in Priest.
However, Druid lacks the Penance, the Shadow Words, the Plague of Death, ectr. I think it is worse than Renew, but strong enough to be played in Spell Druid. Beyond that, I dont see it’s place in Minion-Heavy Druid Decks. Maybe it will fit in some new Archetypes though.
Essentially Raven Idol but better.
Not really better since Raven idol is far more flexible but still a good card nonetheless.
No one ever used Raven Idol for the minion
Just having the option made it alot better and yes sometimes
This type of card is an epitome of all the worst things happening in HS currently. It’s impossible to play around anything anymore. Clown fiesta. Plus, mana cheating.
This can play into spell heavy decks. Probably better than moonfire right?
It replaces itself, provides some flexibility and even provides some evening to your mana curve. These Studies spells might be good activators for Spellburst, too.
This expansion is probably the best chance we have for these 1-mana discover spells to be playable.