Naga Sand Witch
Naga Sand Witch is a 5 Mana Cost Rare Mage Minion card from the Saviors of Uldum set!
Card Text
Battlecry: Change the Cost of spells in your hand to (5).
Flavor Text
5 mana footlong, anyone?- Mana Cost: 5
- Attack: 5
- Health: 5
- Crafting Cost: 100 / 800 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 20 / 100 (Golden)
- Rarity: Rare
- Class: Mage
- Card Type: Minion
- Set: Saviors of Uldum
- Mechanics: Battlecry, Change Cost
I’m getting giant Druid PTSD
Not worth a good deck, but could be fun to try this with Pharaoh legendary?
Makes sense for them to toss some love to Big Spell Mage. I dunno what your win condition is supposed to be, though. I guess hitting Power of Creation and Pyroblast might be good enough, if you have Alexstraza in the deck too.
*Big Spell Mage bust through the door* “Did you just say all my 7-10 cost spells would only cost 5 now!”
*Starts building deck* “Let’s see 2 pyroblasts, 2 Yogg Saron boxes, 2 flamestrikes, 2 blizzards……”
This will be loved in wild big spell mage.
The PTSD of Exodia mage is coming back, it’s COMING BACK
I remember this joke from a kids book I read
Blizzard, can you make me a sandwich?
You made me a sandwich??
After tortollian another puzzle box synergy card. Knee for yogg saron
Shouldn’t this be 8 mana to reflect the naga flavor
I won’t say so, just because one of the other Nagas cost 8. Originally the Naga Sea Witch was at 5 Mana too. Maybe this will also be nerfed to 8 Mana
I know it was originally 5, that’s the joke my man
I’m saying 2 stars. It’s too situational, usually it’s a 5-5 for 5. It requires a drawback of not having cheap spells in hand while also having big spells in hand. It can definitely enable some powerful plays but it’s gonna be inconsistent. Also I’m not sure if there are enough other rewards for a mage to play mostly big spells like there was with dragon’s breath in standard.
Big Spell Mages wants to come back. Maybe there’s a Meme deck out there, where this somehow survives, and mage plays 2 Pyroblasts for 20 Damage. 4 Stars.
Drop Malygos next turn after playing, follow up turn 2 Pyroblasts to do 30
Is the opponent on a coffee break?
No, but do you not have the ability to keep a Malygos up for 2 Turns. You Can be mostly set up by turn 5 using Malygos on 9 and twin pyro on ten just need to play aggressively enough to not have an entire board on enemy side to wipe you out.