Muck Pools
Muck Pools is a 1 Mana Cost Rare Shaman Location card from the Murder at Castle Nathria set!
Card Text
Transform a friendly minion into one that costs (1) more.
Flavor Text
Making a dredger is easier than you'd think. You don't need to worry about mucking it up!- Mana Cost: 1
- Crafting Cost: 100 / 800 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 20 / 100 (Golden)
- Rarity: Rare
- Class: Shaman
- Card Type: Location
- Set: Murder at Castle Nathria
- Mechanics: Transform
Just an incredibly good and consistent evolve card. Many of the cards you normally would want to evolve kinda suck if you don’t have the evolve cards in hand or don’t wanna commit for just one minion: however, this makes it so that’s not an issue anymore. And I didn’t even mention how good this card is with the new 3/6 legendary: it makes her snowball like crazy as soon as you get to play her. This location also functions as a perfect 1 drop for a deck which normally doesn’t play a lot of 1 drops and that wants to keep their minions rather than play on tempo. All in all, this card solves a lot of underlying issues Evolve Shaman always had: I can’t see how that deck would not want to play this.
This card obviously works very well with the revealed shaman legendary. Beyond that, it needs additional support to work out.
4/5, if the evolve-type deck will work out.