Mosh’ogg Enforcer
Mosh’ogg Enforcer is a 8 Mana Cost Common Neutral Minion card from the Rastakhan's Rumble set!
Card Text
Taunt Divine Shield
Flavor Text
Can’t break the rules if you can’t read ‘em.- Mana Cost: 8
- Attack: 2
- Health: 14
- Crafting Cost: 40 / 400 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 5 / 50 (Golden)
- Rarity: Common
- Class: Neutral
- Card Type: Minion
- Set: Rastakhan's Rumble
- Mechanics: Divine Shield, Taunt
A perfectly fine damage sponge that punishes low health or a full board of high damage with its Divine Shield that really shines when buffed with Priest spells. When it’s played you often have a few turns to be able to prepare a large play or recuperate forces &c.. 4/5
I like this card…I like it´s art, like stats of this card…This is a priest´s bad boy
This card is a good example of why you shouldn’t pay attention to initial user ratings…it’s already being used by pros in high legends decks.
I don’t know why this gets a bad rating. If Damaged Stegotron and Unpowered Steambot saw play, this is going to see play too. Imagine Oakheart pulling Mogushan Warden, this guy and Witchwood Grizzly. Also having 2x Divine Spirit, 1x Inner Fire or Topsy Turvy and 1x Mass Dispel in hand. You’re probably dead next turn. I hope it’s not too consistent because it would be annoying to lose to that frequently.
This card feels slightly racist.
Would you mind to explain it? Really curious
Begging to be in priest
A 14/14 taunt and ds
Only if it gets hit with lady, otherwise…
It could also be used in combo priest for a meaningful big body for divine spirit/inner fire since it couldn’t get removed without removal spells very quickly. But yeah, the only class that could benefit from it is priest
It can be pulled from oakheart. I wonder if there could be a deck that would be good because of it.
This might be playable in taunt druid too. Often times when i play druid i draw the recruit dragon guy and my oakheart doesn’t summon a 2 attack guy and i dont get a big taunt dragon so i die cuz of it. But other than that i think this is useless for priest too.
Lady in white approves of this minion
Totally!…though I probably won’t include it, it’s just garbage without lady in white(which I have in gold)
What an awkward card… I keep thinking of lady in white though.
Let me change your mind.
8 mana, 2 attack. Oakheart, but I would rather run dragon Hatcher’s. And let’s be honest, this is straight up bad if you don’t get it off oakheart.
Oakheart. Oakheart, Oakheart, Oakheart. My GOD is this a tough minion, I don’t think it replaces the Dragonhatcher in Taunt Druid but it just might make some other decks consider it? Not totally convinced, but this is definitely one you pause for a moment on. Has some cool implications.
Mossy Horror is drooling uncontrollably over this…
Master Oakheart did a spit-take when he saw this one.