Mindbreaker is a 3 Mana Cost Rare Neutral Minion card from the Knights of the Frozen Throne set!
Card Text
Hero Powers are disabled.
Flavor Text
He's a mind breaker, dream taker, ghoul trainer, don't you mess around with him.- Mana Cost: 3
- Attack: 2
- Health: 5
- Crafting Cost: 100 / 800 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 20 / 100 (Golden)
- Rarity: Rare
- Class: Neutral
- Card Type: Minion
- Set: Knights of the Frozen Throne
This card was only made to counter Deathknight Paladin xD.
Let me get my thoughts out on why this card is just mediocre.
No reasonable deck is hero powering often on 4 or 5. Almost the entire goal of deckbuilding is to curve out these days, and every good deck runs a very well-stocked early game to make sure they don’t get run over. In the late game, a 2/5 is inconsequential, since it gets swatted away so easily. So the ability almost never comes into play.
Thus, it basically serves a purpose as a 3 mana 2/5. Remember, Carrion Grub (or whatever the Hunter 2/5 beast is) saw absolutely no play, despite the beast synergy, even with the strong curve into Houndmaster. This card has none of that synergy, so expect to see it even less.
The card is cool, and could be the straw that breaks the camel’s back in some scenarios, but that can be said for almost any card in Hearthstone. The card doesn’t have enough of an effect in a high percentage of situations, so it becomes unplayable, due to the high power level of tempo decks in constructed. In arena, it’s a cool card, though, and the upside actually matters.
Due to all the new heroes and jaraxxus and warrior quest this might be a reasonable 1-of in control
Better stock up. Odds are five seconds until it gets nerfed.
Or 0 seconds since it will see little to no play
Good against quest warrior, evolve shaman, aggro warlock, aggro hunter and hero cards. I see potential for this in control decks.
This card is gonna be very useful in adventure mode
I think the card will be insane in aggro
Pain in the ass for token decks or mission warrior (must wipe him ASAP).
You don’t want this guy around when playing your DK hero conversion.
Annoying for the rest but pretty beareble.
In wild it deactives inspire.
Situational card. Let’s see if it have a place in the new meta.
5 health is always good for a 3 drop. Ability limits opponents interaction. Could be very good. Tech against annoying quest warrior
It also limits yours tho.
True, but some decks don’t rely on hero power much once they get going, and if you plan around this guy he can be quite good. He’d even be good in an aggro deck as he’s fairly inexpensive and would limit your opponent’s options.
5 health is always good for a 3 drop. Ability limits opponents interaction. Could be very good.
That card is as strong as hero powers of hero cards… and how dominate Quest warrior will be 😀 tech card nothing to see here
clear it , or no “die insect”
Bad stats. Weak effect.
Could be a tech card if the new hero powers are very strong. But it will be easy to remove.
and that’s why you’re rank 20
Since when is 2/5 for 3 mana bad stats? It’s definitely a tech card, but by no means is it a weak effect or will it be “easy to remove”
shaman’s earth shock will see play in this expansion. lots of stuff to silence.
The reason earth shock doesn’t see play is because devolve does the same effect to an entire board. Yes, it can screw you over as well (flamewreathed faceless) but that’s just shaman for you
good point
I think this card won’t see much play, if the effect only lasts while he’s alive
Pretty average stats for 3 cost minion and most decks don’t really rely or want to use their hero power @ all really in the early game and late game it’s not hard to remove this
Really? Anyone that gets a bad mulligan/curve is going to hero power. Face Hunter is going to hero power. Control Warrior is going to hero power. Murloc Paladin is going to hero power. Control Warlock is going to hero power. Transmorgify Shaman is going to hero power. Late game control decks are going to hero power.
Hide this dude behind a blocker and annoy your opponent. Play him early to gain board control. He’s cheap and versatile. How is this not a decent card?
You realize it stops you from using hero power also
And not being able to get that extra hero power off for 1 turn maybe 2-3 isn’t gotta make much of a difference
Oh no I can’t get my 2 manna 1-1 this turn
And if this does last a few turns it still prevents you from using hero power as well….
Is that really worth 2 card slots in your deck? To create a minor inconvenience for your opponent and possibly yourself
Unless we see some rediculoulyOp hero powers from the new heros I don’t think this will see much play
And if you have to hero power for the first couple turns anyways unless your facing a control deck you already prob lost
The whole point of a hero card is to get a ridiculously OP hero power.
Ya that you now can’t use as well when you play this card?
Plus most of the new Hero power cards are 9+ mana, so you gotta ask yourself how easy is it to remove a 2-5 in the late game?
And even if you can’t… so what you can’t also use your hero power as well
This card will destroy their heroic adventure modes with OP hero powers.
For 3 mana, this MIGHT be able to stop whatever shenanigans the Deathknight Hero card will pull out.
Anti-Taunt Warrior tech.
nice card, but won’t save you from pirates
i saw a lot of stuff that can save you from pirates, you can’t pretend a full expansion orointed on countering pirates!
let’s change, wont’t save you from agro
It’s actually a pretty reasonable play against aggro on turn 3. 2 atk is all u need and 5 health is a lot. I’m not saying it’s the perfect answer but not too shabby! If u rly need to counter hero powers u would run that and be happy against aggro.
I don’t like this expansion.
Me either. I’m seriously considering taking a break from Hearthstone.
Go on. No1 will Cry.
I really don’t see why people like you keep crying about this expansion, and this card overall.
The expansion is full of well designed minions and this 1 in particular it’s just a niche card or a tech at best.
It is not something like misterious challenger that will break the game…….
I really don’t understand……
Some people will never be happy with stuff whatever you do. I like this expansion a lot because of the theme and the new things like herocards and lifesteal. I think it will be almost as good as WotOG.
Also the Hearthstone-Team can’t make only good cards which will brake the meta. There will always be cards like Mindbraker, Ticking Abomination, Purify, Lost in the Jungle etc. These cards are made for more fun decks rather then ladder.
That’s not it at all. Un’goro was a good expansion, tho IMO the quest cards should have been obtainable thru an Adventure mode.
IMO the problem is that the design / dev / test team were not really ready to handle the new full-expansion release schedule that was probably pushed by the bean counters. So you get this.
Bottom line: So far from the reveals I think that pretty much every meta deck currently running could entirely ignore this expansion and not miss it a bit.
Lost in the Jungle is a really powerful card in Wild.
Agreed. Complainers are missing the point: New expansions shouldn’t just add a couple of new cards to already existing meta decks; new expansions should CHANGE the meta. Otherwise, the game becomes boring.
I like this expansion because it challenges the meta and will likely transform it. That’s a good thing. Ticking Abomination suddenly becomes very interesting as he’s a beat stick that could hose Shaman if he’s unlucky enough to transmorgify into it, and this card is great as it messes with the game in a hard-to-remove/early-to-play form (2/5 for 3).
I’m curious to see if Jade Druid is still that powerful after this release. I’m also excited to see how these new cards mess with Wild and if that format becomes more exciting.
…hasn’t even seen half the cards, nor played with a single one of the set.
Totally sweet ability. Hunters had a similar stat card that saw some play thanks to the beast tag. Means we could see some kind of deck with this card. I could see it included in a highland style deck.