Magic Trick
Magic Trick is a 1 Mana Cost Rare Mage Spell card from the Rise of Shadows set!
Card Text
Discover a spell that costs (3) or less.
Magic Trick is a 1 Mana Cost Rare Mage Spell card from the Rise of Shadows set!
Discover a spell that costs (3) or less.
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Best card art ever
A cost 1 spell than generate an other cheap spell in mage can be very powerfull.
*See crystalsong portal for comment*
They’re called illusions, Michael.
I think we officially have all the tiny spells Mage would ever want to cast, now we just need more payoff cards like an Arcane Giant or something.
At first glance, this doesn’t look great. Look closer, however, and this card shines. Combo mage is going to eat this card right up. I can fire off two spells early game to buff my mana wyrm and mana addict. I’m actually rather scared of where combo mage is going. 4/5
Yup yup, Questing Tempo Mage is gonna be big!
I suppose Magic Trick can be seen as analogous to Primordial Glyph. The former has a smaller discover pool and lower initial cost at the cost of that discover pool containing almost no board sweeping effects and giving no discount to the spell’s cost. It’s a trade off and probably isn’t as good as the comparison point, but
If there is at least a Jeeves beyond Stargazer Luna or a Flamewaker-esque card for this “Small Spell” Tempo Mage deck, it could very well work.
Lyra Sunshard– I mean Mana Cyclone is looking a lot better now.
Days without (((magic))) tricks: 00
Looks like small spell mage is a thing this with Ray of frost apprentice and Mana card on turn 4 big tempo value .
Only hope i see for this card is mana cyclone with that 1 mana twinspell , but why would anyone play three bad cards to get some another bad random cards? bad value, bad tempo. If only quest mage was still around, it could see some play. For now, without any support – 1/5
Discovering Ray of Frost with a Sorcerer’s Apprentice on board with this feels pretty good. Could be okay, could be bad. Mage looks interesting with this expansion.
Well what can you discover. A secret most likely since mage is full of those. Frost nova. frost bolt for like 3 mana not as valuable but still playable. Frost ray pay one extra mana for it. I mean what cheep spell would be good with 1 mana extra cost? And mages are getting kalekgos so they are in desperate need of a high cost spells to combo with him. Piro is not enough even for a spitefull deck. And it gets a bit old :D.
With cards like these no wonder the league of EVIL is going to win
How is he separating his finger like that?! HOW?!?!
Lol. Magic…
I quite like the flexibility of this card. Need a secret? You might get one. Smells a little of Tracking (but obviously a less specific draw) without the “discard the other two cards you probably really need” aspect.
Tempo Mage is dead, at least in Standard. With Flame Waker gone and Mana Wyrm being awful, what are you supposed to combo this with… Mana Cyclone? The deck is called Tempo Mage for a reason, and I don’t think Value Mage with Mana Cyclone makes much sense. This needs more support to be good. 2/5
1 mana Spells are always good. Tempomage will be there 100% sure! You dont have to play this on turn 1. Cause tempo mage wanna use cheap cards for the board first to pressure right? So turn 2/3/4 are the best ways to play this out. I also see Questing Adventurer with Banana Buffoon in Tempo Mage. This will be fun! 5/5!
Ok ok. My kind of mage is back. Just need a flame waker replacement and we’re good.
It is called vex crow and you are not gettign another one until this one retires :D. You just need to use the mana worm
Told you it was coming! That 1-3 frog is it!
its just for minions and its not enough. You still need to go face to win the game and 2 attack minion is not taking down 30 life total and the board control.
I was always annoyed when flame waker hit face. It’s there to get board control.