Luckysoul Hoarder

Luckysoul Hoarder Card

Luckysoul Hoarder is a 3 Mana Cost Rare Demon Hunter, Warlock Minion card from the Darkmoon Races set!

Card Text

Battlecry: Shuffle 2 Soul Fragments into your deck. Corrupt: Draw a card.

Flavor Text

Always brings his own reusable shopping bag, satchel, barrel, trunk, tray, and fluffy pillow.

Luckysoul Hoarder Additional Information

Corrupted Version:

Soul Fragment:

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  1. Loki777
    January 19, 2021 at 3:39 PM

    What’s Your Luckydo!

  2. EksSkellybur
    January 19, 2021 at 12:55 PM

    This is a Very nice Filler Soul Card. It’s Particularly very good for Soul Demon Hunter because you can Replace your SPirit Jailers for Luckysoul Hoarder, and Copy as much Bladed Ladies as possible. You have both Philosophy and Soul Split, Allowing you to have up to 6 Bladed Ladies, and if you have cards that can Generate 1-cost spells, it can do even more for you. Who knows, maybe even Soulciologist Malicia might Return, as well. It worked before so it can work again as it’s Second Chance. The Worst that it can be is a 3 Mana 3/4 that heals you up to 4 health over time, as one card, and even that is Solid enough. 3.5 Stars. (3 Stars)