Lesser Diamond Spellstone
Lesser Diamond Spellstone is a 7 Mana Cost Rare Priest Spell card from the Core Set 2024 set!
Card Text
Resurrect 2 different friendly minions. (Cast 4 spells to upgrade.)
Flavor Text
A diamond, white, this stone the eighthA precious jewel for those of faith
A whispered prayer restores the lost
But none among them know the cost.
- Mana Cost: 7
- Crafting Cost: 100 / 800 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 20 / 100 (Golden)
- Rarity: Rare
- Class: Priest
- Card Type: Spell
- School: Holy
- Set: Core Set 2024
Lesser Diamond Spellstone Additional Information
The Priest Diamond Spellstone was originally labeled as an Epic, but Mike Donais confirmed that all Spellstones are Rare:
They are all rares actually. Maybe there was an out of date one if you see it as epic. – Source
Cards Relating to Lesser Diamond Spellstone
Diamond Spellstone Type: Spell - Cost: 7 Resurrect 3 different friendly minions. (Cast 4 spells to upgrade.) |
Greater Diamond Spellstone Type: Spell - Cost: 7 Resurrect 4 different friendly minions. |
Hey guys does anyone know if the card needs to be in your hand to be upgraded? Or is it like Arcane Golum that is affected anywhere in your deck or hand as long as spells have been cast?
If you’re still curious, a spellstone is only upgraded while it’s in your hand, and you can only upgrade a spellstone once per action (ex. gaining six armor will only upgrade Lessor Jasper Spellstone once, not twice).
In Wild – where the only minion in the deck is Angry Rag. Everything else is a spell to control/kill things, Shadow Essence or ways resurrect Rag.
… concede if opponent has Polymorph or Hex though
Finally. I really like these cards. You can build a deck around it. It can work as a new type of quests. Just more secret as the opponent doesn´t know, what you are up to. Not like actual quests, as you have to play them and the opponent can quite easily guess, what cards and gameplay he will be facing.
Just imagine….mulligan this in your hand, play removals, AoEs, healings. Get Velen out. Play Spellstone turn 9 with Mindblast for 80 dmg!!!
I know that 4 spells are a quite big amount, but it can be done. 4xShadow Words, 2xHoly Smite, 2xShadow Vision,2xSpirit Lash,2xDragonfire Potion, 2x Greater Healing Potion, Silence, Mass Silence, Shadow Essence to get Velen earlier. And so on (plus Anduin for Big minions AoE).
Just thoughts.
PS: Not high tier deck for sure. Not even consistent, but original at least
PSS: Currently run “Velen only” deck in Wild and the OTK turn is always surprising for the opponent.
PSSS: Polymorph Velen = Concede!!!
It resurrects different minions, so only 1 Velen
Will be really fun to play with in my pointless Thaddius army deck!
1 word: Mini n’zoth.
Big priest most likely cant use this too well because they need all the early game removal possible.
loothoarder, thalnos, crystalline oracle and carnivorous cube + 4 quest progress. Amazing.
1 word LUL. maybe 2
*complains that it’s too expensive, hard to upgrade, and the upgrade only increases it by 1 minion*
*Remembers Big Priest is a tier 1-2 deck that would happlily slot this in*
“Seems pretty good.”
The value from picking shadow visions out from shadow visions intensifies!
did anyone else see that the card said it was epic
Holy crap yeah, so is it actually a rare now?
This is like “discard your hand insanely just to upgrade this meh card”.
Assuming you have a deck built around this the base form is pretty strong. The upgrade cost is steep but a deck built around this would be spell heavy anyway.
Other decks… maybe quest priest? The resurect will trigger the quest right? There aren’t a ton of great deathrattles but with this you only need to play the best ones and some spells to survive.
Obsidian Statue Intensifies
I think the rarity of the card it’s epic (in the last video it was displayed like that at least)
before 5 min it was epic …haha
Final Form: 7 mana destroy your opponent’s hopes & dreams.
Omae wa mou shindeiru
Still a good card i guess, but the value in comparison to the others is just not there. Casting 8 spells is the hardest max condition. Guess its good in big priest since they use 25 spells and lyra priest. Also the final form isnt even that much value when you consider the og resurrect was 2 mana so we’re getting 8 mana worth of ressurections. I guess we could argue that each consecutive res is worth more. Im definitely going to have fun with this card, Priest is my favorite class, or was before it became “good” and everyone started using it. I was just hoping for more inherent value.
And there it goes the hipster guy who only loves things that nobody else loves. Get over it man!
Are you talking about the card or the class, if your talking allot the class, can you honestly tell me you’re not sick of seeing priest by now, I still love the class but priests are everywhere.
if you’re talking about card:
Hunter, warlock, shaman and warrior can max out in two cards.
Druid and paladin can max out with 1 card in 2 turns
Mage can max out using 2 cards and 4 mana with firefly
Rogue is the only other one that requires you lay it in a specific deck.
Honestly no this priest meta is far better than the face warrior meta, the jade druid, the midrange shaman meta or even the freeze mage meta. If you think that razakus priest is non-interactive you might not have known freeze mage in it’s early days which the only counter was to play flare( which is terrible) or to play a 100+armor control warrior.
well in Big priest resurecting 2 DIFREND minions wich died that game is preety dam appealing even if you played barnes you guaratee card wich where summoned by him wich is dam nice but if you manage to upgrade it once its geting insane all your value its comeing back
other decks wellll…. maby dont now
Your comment hurts my eyes.
Yah you’re totally right, being able to resummon lich king, yshaarj, ysera and an obsidian statue for a third or fourth time, all for 7 mana is tootally unplayable right? Easy 5/5 stars
Never said it wasnt, i said its good in that deck and in lyra priest. Good reading comprehension….
He didn’t say it was unplayable, he said it was much harder to upgrade than most of the others.
Do you not know how to read?
It’s called called “sarcasm” and my apologies, I acknowledge your input and find it to be entirely cromulent.
And you have to take account that it’s not “just” 4 resurrects, its Fucking 4 resurrects bundled TOGETHER IN ONE CARD, it’s value goes far beyond 8 mana. Also it resurrects 4 DIFFERENT minions ( in it’s highest rank, which in a deck like big priest that only run about six minions and the rest is spells it’s not hard to do), that’s far better than 4 minons because there is no super low roll with 4 Barnes summoned by this, you’re always GUARANTEED to summon 3 big minions.
I agree with you on this one. Although quad resurrect could be broken (if only the lich king died, is would cry than concede.) The odds of you fully activating it means 8 spells cast. That alone not bad, but chances you max out the second one are quite a bit lower unless you start with both of them.
All in all, 8/10, broken when used right but not for everyone!
(P.S. I’ve always wanted there to be an otk velen priest and I think this helps that goal , I would like to see decklists if people have ideas!)
(P.P.S I know razakus priest already almost has a velen otk, but i mean a true , all you need is velen and a damage spell combo, something like spellstone for 4 velens then mindblast for 40, if you can get that to work!)