King Togwaggle
King Togwaggle is a 8 Mana Cost Legendary Neutral Minion card from the Kobolds and Catacombs set!
Card Text
Battlecry: Swap decks with your opponent. Give them a Ransom spell to swap back.
Flavor Text
Management of the Kobold Empire requires a careful balance between a lack of social services and fiscal irresponsibility.- Mana Cost: 8
- Attack: 5
- Health: 5
- Crafting Cost: 1600 / 3200 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
- Rarity: Legendary
- Class: Neutral
- Card Type: Minion
- Set: Kobolds and Catacombs
King Togwaggle Additional Information
Here’s the King’s Ransom spell card:
Possible King Togwaggle Combinations
The King’s Ransom card is added to your opponent’s hand, so it would be possible to fill your opponent’s hand with cards and burn King’s Ransom making it impossible for them to switch the deck back. Naturalize would be one of your best options for this because you could play it alongside Togwaggle.
This card could pair with Explore Un'Goro and make it so your opponent would either have to keep your deck or swap back to a deck filled with Discover cards.
King Togwaggle Reveal Video
The card was revealed via this Hearthside Chat with Davie Kosak:
Cards Relating to King Togwaggle
King's Ransom Type: Spell - Cost: 5 Swap decks with your opponent. |
First legendary I acquired from this expansion…. crafting it asap
I’m going to play with a crappy deck from now on to counter this
Play King togwaggle then explore un’goro.
If they switch back Skulking
azari 2.0
This card is broken
double cold light oracle, double shadow step
as a miracle rogue/mill when your opponent has a full hand play King Togg.
POOF…no ransom and no deck
Actually expiramented a lot with this and it works, especially against priest. It takes a lot of stall cards like doomsayers vanish and sap, and I like to include evasion as well. Some giant wasps to stall big cards etc. Been expiramenting with hemet jungle hunter as an alternate mill with limited success. Its really good if you bounce after with vanish cause you can drain them pretty hard.
If anyone’s curious I have it posted under Togwaggle miracle fatigue rogue
Lorewalker Cho?
I don’t think this card is a total joke. I think it could work as a comeback card like Yogg. What if you are losing – you steal their deck. They play the ransom to get their deck back but they just wasted 5 mana. So it could just read “reduce 5 mana from your opponent’s next turn”. It’s like Loetheb except not just for spells. Am I wrong?
What happends if You make a King togwaggle deck (a deck filled with terrible cards) and The meet another King togwaggle?
The only counter to King Togwaggle is… KING TOGWAGGLE!
Actually is King’s ransom….Just card comes with counter itself
Imagine how hilarious it would be to make a bounce deck for rogue, so you get all the bounce cards like shadowstep and shadowcaster, then keep playing this again after they switch their deck back.
Strategy with king toglewagle: Play warlock, draw all of you deck, get to ten mana, play king toglewagle, then play gnomerafu and mill that last card: kings ransome.
Just like that, you win.
Go for memes!
I watched the video where this card was showcased and im pretty sure it gives the kings ransom to your opponents HAND so sadly that wont work.
get his hand to 10 cards then play the king. Could be a fun warrior dead mans hand card addition.
1. Play Druid
2: Set up Twig of the World Tree
3. Dodge weapon removal
4. Togwaggle, Twig-rattle, Hemet Jungle Hunter
5. ???
Warrior Combo:
1. Play Emperor Thaurissan
2. Play Explore Un’Goro
3. Next turn fill opponents hand with Coldlight Oracle
4. Play King Togwaggle
5. Next turn play Skulking geist
6. ???
7. Profit
2% of the time, it works every time
Still faster than Warlock’s new legendary.
dammmmnnn so true
Gentleman, there’s a solution to this you’re not seeing.
lol wait till they have little to no cards left play hemet, the following turn play this into a mind vision or 2 to get the switch spell so when they switch back you force them to switch again force fatiguing them faster XD
Play with Rin, the First Disciple for the most ridiculous fatigue suicide ever?
The mayor noggenfogger of the catacombs
With the druid weapon this can really destroy the enemies decks. have the weapon at 1 charge, use this guy, with ultimate infestation in hand. use the rest of the 5 mana if you can (if at 10 mana). proc the weapon. use ultimate infestation. draw some of the key cards from the opponent.
imagine drawing antonidas from exodia mage, or shadow reaper anduin from razakus
Your have your weopon at 1 charge. Your are not dying and have Ui in hand. For what do you need this bad card then?
I have an idea, play a crazy draw fast tempo mage that runs either no spells but counterspell/manabind (you could avoid spells by playing minions only + mage weapon for draw) or one with more spells but still counter spells and manabinds (less safe), tempo your deck into fatigue as quickly as possible and then play your counterspell/manabind, after that turn then you can use King Togglewaggle to switch decks with them and your secret to prevent the switch back. you are left with cards while the opponent is left with no deck and no way to switch back.
I was thinking about ways to counter the king’s ransom as not many people seem to be taking it into consideration in these posts.
Also make sure you don’t have any random card generating minions, no even random minion generation. otherwise they might get lucky and get a spell in some form or another the proc the counter spell
Sadly the counter spell can still be countered… Togwaggle only swaps decks, both you and opponent keeps hand.
First you need to draw your whole deck consistent without dying (why no otk mage than?) and than your opponent still just checks for secrets and you are losing.
Blizzard, I’m begging you at this point. Don’t let king togwaggle be this sets loch king/ doctor boom! In every set there has been some big, solid, neutral legendary, in many sets more than one! He’s just not very good, I mean, you’d have to build a deck to suit him unlike the lich king or Dr.Boom, and even so your opponent can just pay five to give your deck right back!
Pls make a better neutral legend…. please!
If you draw out your deck like in Fatigue Warrior, you can really screw your oppoent.
“Here, you take my empty deck and I’ll take your full one. ENJOY.”
Have you even read the whole card?
Step 1: Play warrior
Step 2: Get 10 mana
Step 3: Play this
Step 4: Play explore the ungoro
Step 5: Opponent ragequits
Step 1: Have expore Un’goro, Skulking Geist and this in hand.
Step 2: Play Emperor.
Step 3: Hold Emperor in game for 1 more turn.
Step 4: Gongratz you destroyed ur opponents deck.
Step 5: Watch ur opponent take ur deck while giving you nothing… ;(
That actully sounds real fun, and also real scary to face. xD
That’s not even a wincondition.
It’s a wincondition if you are on fatigue and you swap decks and for ex with thaurissan+drakkari and manage for example brann+2 oracles =8 cards,which is =>1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9=45 dmg…
Nice combo with Lorewalker Cho.
I just kind of want to make a random deck now. This, Noggenfogger, Recombobulators, maybe put in the Evolve Shaman package, just go nuts. Everything is random! Is it viable? Hell no. Is it hilarious? Hell yes.
It used to be, I still play casino mage from time to time because it is so much fun ?
WHERE IS DA YOGG?!?!?! Like you make random deck…But you are not putting Yogg in it???
Tbh this card sucks really much and not for the competitive reasons but as a meme card. There is no fun in letting your opponent pay 5 mana next turn to get their deck back and I really wished this card didnt allow that but it does because otherwise its too ‘broken’ but if they just balanced it more without that spell or just make the spell cost more mana, I would see great meme potential but this is just not as memery as people see it right now. Ofc I am going to experiment with the memes and hope to find something that works but for now I don’t see it and this meme is for now just a dream
This is kind of a troll card not a competitive one. But you may have fun using things like renounce darkness or explore ungoro on your oponent’s deck.
Just play counterspell or make sure they have 10 cards in their hand
Can be good in suicide warlock
I like the card design even though I think that a far better design would have been making it a 10 mana card 5/5 without the “give your opponent the card to swap back”. This way you can’t just build a shitty deck to make your opponent unable to do anything cause you have to survive till turn 10, but you still have the possibility to have some pretty funny games and combos/interactions.
King’s ransom reminds me of Curse of Rafaam, but curse of rafaam had a niche job which is to proc an ice block. King’s ransom is totally useless.
I presume my opponent plays king’s ransom right away. I simply get myself a 3 mana 5/5 body. Unfortunately 3mana 5/5 wouldnt matter on turn 9.
Step 1) make a shitty deck (Probably druid for Naturalise)
Step 2) fill your opponents hand with cards (Coldlight Oracle, Naturalise)
Step 3) Play King Togwaggle and burn the King’s Ransom card due to overdraw
Step 4) Enjoy your opponent’s deck while they’re stuck with your shitty deck
And Just in case you can’t fill they’re hand play Cho to keep swapping decks if your’e going to meme you need to go all the way
This was inspired by some comments in the video shown above
Real good <.<
Could be real fun, only problem is to draw it in time, but sounds fun.
People are underestimating this card. I can see this in a mill deck. I can see rogue using this with self mill or even Hemet. You just need to get your opponent to 10 cards then play him. Rogue now has 3 bounce cards in standard.
Could work with exodia also. You’d just have to stick Mana bind.
That could work too well! If you take out the blade that makes you immune Mill Rogue has essentially no won condition. Add a lot of card draw and your opponent is nearly guaranteed to lose.
I hate this and I’m auto conceding any time I play against it. Lol good god this better not work out! lol
The problem I see (as a Mill Rogue fanatic myself) is trying to get your opponent to 10 cards with only two mana. A Shadowstepped would probably be the best bet, with Sap being an alternative if your opponent I still dumb enough to only drop one card from ten. You can’t prep-Vanish since that’s 3 mana, so it’ll be a bit more difficult to pull off. Then again, Mill Rogue as a whole is pretty difficult to pull off in a non-control meta, so meh.
Shadowstepped *Coldlight* my bad typo
Fun card to surprise your opponent but when you swap decks with your opponent you basically do nothing on that turn and when your hit the Turn End button you basically let your opponent draw 1 card from your deck (actually they could draw even more cards from your deck before playing King’s Ransom)
Unless you play Discard Warlock and after completing the quest you play King Togwaggle and hero power to draw a card from their deck and your opponent hopefully draws a discard card from your deck on their next turn
This could be super fun on solo mode tho. Depending on what the AI does.
I agree. Just imagine giving a boss a deck full of wisps and other 1 drops lol
swaping deck with exodia mage would be so good
or he just swaps back after getting a card from your deck that he can use for quest, and you never drew anything from hes.
and he gets another spell that didnt start in his deck
but remember you can play the apprentices and molten reflections when you get them so He can’t get the combo off when he ransoms his deck back.
but why would he ransom back if he has a couple of the combo pieces you have no win condition with hes deck
and if he doesnt, you have scraps from an exodia deck to play with….that does nothing.
Tech card vs Quest Decks or even Evo Shaman
dont know if they try to make people quit hearthstone after so many years playing it like what the fuck is this card design did they think that this would see play after having a so one-sided meta in frozen throne expansion its like hmmm lets add full filler and meme cards this time so nobody will complain but make 5-10 cards all powerful to fuck up the ladder again
You only like completely busted stupid cards? Lot’s of the cards this expansion encourage creative deck contruction, I think they are fantastic card designs, it’s previous expansions that are the issue, not this one
Lol look its a rank 25
Battlecry: get 400 dust.
To play this on mage with a counter spell and no other spells. xD
well i thought of that too by destroying your deck but it’s unlikely that they dont have a spell in their hand
Ah true, need a way to kill thier hand too xD
Still would be fun to just piss someone of in casual, with a little luck
Or with dubble battle cry.
Then both would have there own deck with the spell xD
So they would need to spend 10 mana to gain thier deck back. Or if they don’t you get to steal thier deck permenenty on your next turn… Or if you have quest mage you can actully steal a deck completely.
No the opponent gets two ransom cards you dont get one at all.
New druid meme deck. Full of crap and ramp with combo of double naturalize to this. opponent gets no spell to swap back. gg.
I really want to see a video with this haha.
HAHAHA! What an awesome card ! Obviously not competitive, but still!! I’m gonna have fun making decks around it!
This is going to be played by everyone that’s new to the game and they can just break all combos in a deck
but it's not as bad if you get the spell in hand though and not in the deck, that it probobly does.
So meh fun for new players to feel big for a turn…
Pay 5 mana to recover your deck on turn 8-9. Good way to deal with control I guess.
Hearthstone is becoming a total RNG meme game. And I love this.
It’s a card game, this is what it should be about.
Meta will always be dictated by the less random interactions possible so don’t count that much on it.
Of course, there will always be randomness in the game but you can’t really rely on it entirely.
If they continue making expansions with such cards there will be too few non-random synergies and interactions to can make a deck without RNG.
Tell that to pre nerf Yogg. Tell that to the Shredder meta. Tell that to Evolve Shaman.
Random effects dominate the game if their average outcome is powerful enough.
Doesnt have much to do with this card, but youre wrong about the meta being dominated by non randomness by default.
Well, there’s nothing random about this card. to be true……