
Kalecgos Card

Kalecgos is a 8 Mana Cost Legendary Mage Minion Dragon card from the Core Set 2025 set!

Card Text

Your first spell each turn costs (0). Battlecry: Discover a spell.

Flavor Text

He was once the Aspect of Magic but gave it up to focus on cheap tricks.

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  1. DeadlyBlinke
    March 19, 2020 at 1:22 PM

    4/5stars the minion is only really strong when you already have a spell in hand which you are gonna play. Other than that if you`re hoping for freeze og flamestrike it is not likely since the mage spell pool is filled with garbage.

  2. Pindead
    April 7, 2019 at 5:13 AM

    This card is so overrated. A 10 drop that doesn’t do much. A lot of people will craft this on day one and be desapointed because a 10 drop have to be broken to see play. And this one just provides ramp in the very late if it survives for any reason. And only one spell. Maybe it would have seen play if he have gave more spells or a permanent effect even if it dies. This card is a meme.

  3. JohnnyBravo78
    April 4, 2019 at 10:32 AM

    doesn’t need an archetype to be good, great effect for a 10 mana minion, very very very potential game changer.

    5/5 how the hecc could this card be bad in literally any mage archetype

  4. Penoyer79
    April 3, 2019 at 8:35 PM

    Best legendary in the set. An absolute bomb with plenty of deck arch-type support.

    Safest Day 1 craft of the set.

  5. Csn113
    March 29, 2019 at 9:10 AM

    I think it best compares to Ysera

    Cost to play:
    Ysera (9) vs Kalecgos (10)

    End of 1st Turn (minimum return if immediately killed)
    Ysera (Add Dream Card) vs Kalecgos (Discover a spell)

    Every other turn:
    Ysera (Add Dream Card) vs Kalecgos (Play a spell that costs 0)

    I’m a bigger fan of Ysera than this overall because the dream cards are powerful and give additional cards to your hand, but with the right deck and cards already in your hand, I think Kalecgos can be more powerful which is saying a lot. Also similarly to Ysera, if the opponent doesn’t deal with this, it will likely be the catalyst for your victory.

    • Yosh12
      March 31, 2019 at 2:14 AM

      Ysera and kalecgos are not at all comparable. Yseras weakness was that she didnt have an immediate on board effect and you could just bipass her and go for lethal. Kalecgos doesnt have that same weakness as you can discover board clears or removal tools to disrupt the board immediately on play then create a pseudo taunt minion as its effect is so powerful the enemy pretty much has to kill it the next turn making it a very hard to deal with. In addition to this it has some flexibility allowing you not just to clear but also to push lethal or generate cards if thats what you need. Overal id reckon that it sees play in most if not all control mage setups

  6. DeanyWeany
    March 26, 2019 at 7:29 AM

    (Rating based on play it will see in the upcoming meta, similar to trump’s ratings)

    4 Stars

    Infinite value effect on a huge 4/12 body that does something powerful to the board immediately after play, and has synergy with itself with the discover effect. Will be run in every control mage. Whether or not control mage is tier 1 though, that’s up to whether or not strong removal cards are released (with cards like dragon’s fury rotating out).

    Until then its probably a 4 star card as an extremely powerful card in a tier 2 deck.

  7. JustYourAveragePayToWin
    March 22, 2019 at 9:53 AM

    I’m going to laugh when I see some twitch streamer try to coin this out on turn 9 and not be able to play a spell. That aside, this card is very strong. Imagine playing a flamestrike and for three more mana, getting a 4/12. 5/5 star card.

  8. Albionflux
    March 21, 2019 at 4:43 PM

    only 1 card but wonder if they would try to push mage dragon next?
    be hard to set up this and maly but both on field would be very powerful

  9. Minti
    March 17, 2019 at 2:22 PM

    Most people like it becouse they miss the tempo mage decks. Those great midrange high aggro decks that have places for firelands portals into leeroy jenkins to seal the deal. It is good cards For wild control mages. I think that Control mage can become the only viable control deck becouse iceblock deals with OTK decks, There are sheeps, thinkmasters, kazakus sheeps, meteors to actually control all the other decks out there.
    We may see reno mage as tier one deck for wild players. They really needed verry little. Verry bad boddy though. Big mage is retireing from standart with dragon breath and meteor gone. I really wish this card was printed instead of dragon caller allana. Dragon caller allana gave me less value than medhiv in wild. board full of 5/5 is very easy to be cleared. And is an exellent card if mage gets a high mana cost twinspell.
    Its really cool design for a much loved character. We were expecting Rhoni. For the people that read the books. Its a very old character that died very fast in WoW but is essential part of the old gods scheme and the events of the shattering of azeroth. Heartstone was the place for him to shine since he was killed anyway. He even got a cool girlfriend.

    • Sergi-13
      April 3, 2019 at 6:36 AM

      Do you play wild? Reno Mage is like tier 4 now, bad against a lot of popular things, I don’t think that 1 single card can make it to tier 1.

      • Minti
        April 4, 2019 at 5:21 AM

        i actually climbed ladder with reno n’zoth mage. I know i was very surprised too. But the deck outvalues priest thanks to jaina. And it can overvalue warlocks thanks to polymorph. If you catch that mal’ganis you are very likely to win. Ice block and reno is the best reno synergy. And it kind of works againts OTK deck. And mage does not struggle with card draw or for the lack of value generating cards. Cards like medivh or dragoncaller alana together with the N’zoth giv eyou plenty of hard to clear boards. And the inite water elementals are a pain in the ass.
        Mage reno had much more synergy with even thaddius than my wild priest deck. Dragon’s furry blizzards, frost novas and doomsayer can give you a ton of early game advantage. The fact that you can draw ice block with arcanologist gives you enough stall for even the most aggresive decks. And jaina murders the crap out of everything in the late game. You also have a bonus banker effect from the whispers of the old gods expansion if you are going reno. The deck is very good. And while jade druid in the lategame spawns one sing;e big minion per turn you have the potential to dish out full boards of 5/5 stated minions. Put in the sylvi effects the instant heals from rags or barron geddons and the deck has potentionally more value than you can hadnle. And you oponent while holding on to a boardclear for N’zoth turns does not really know what to expect.
        With this dragon you can go really greedy as the most powerfull spell in the game is the 10 mana kazakus potion. Followed by UI and the rafaam card.
        And if reno lock is tier one and i could beat it with reno N’zith mage. You can bet your ass its not tier 4.

        • Sergi-13
          April 4, 2019 at 8:48 AM

          Ok I see hahaha, you know about it more than I do. I thought it was too slow in a deck that already plays high cost cards but you have more experience with it so I guess it has potential.

          • Minti
            April 5, 2019 at 2:15 PM

            You should try it. Jaina is much like rexxar. With the downside of being too slow. All you have to do is be greedy. I got lucky with getting some very greedy legendaryes like pyros. Pyros alone gives your N’zoth all the value it needs. with just 1x 2 mana card you have up to 3 x 10/10 minions. I got syndragossa quite late i was not playing mage at that time. But it will work OK even with your n’zoth. i actually removed the bankers since there are tons of big threats in the deck to close the game even in high fatigue.
            Just put jaina in the reno package. Reno itself sometimes feels useless if you are transformed into frost lich so you can use your zola on kazakus or other stuff.

        • Pindead
          April 7, 2019 at 5:39 PM

          Reno mage doesn’t beat big priest wtf. Just spam the spellstones and jaina is overwhelmed. Can’t clear a 2019 board with old school AOEs. Control mage is just not on point in wild. Aggro beat it as well. Kingsbane farms reno mage like crazy. It’s just a very bad deck on ladder.

  10. JKoala
    March 16, 2019 at 6:23 AM

    Hmmm yeah, turn 10 I play this guy and get what? A random free spell? What if the “random free spell” is not what I need?
    If I need a Pyroblast to end the game, wouldn’t it be better to just include a Pyroblast? Same with clear. I play a 4/12 then a free Flamestrike and then what?
    I’ve just played a 4/12 in turn 10. Then a Priest plays 6 mana, and Forbidden Words. Or Execute / Shield Slam / Smod. Lancer / Shrink Ray / Sheep / Frog / Just a lot of face damage. Bye Kalecgos
    Clap, nice bait but no, thanks. 2/5 at best without knowing more cards that would come up.

    • Lluadian
      March 16, 2019 at 8:17 PM

      It’s not that random it says discover meaning you can pick from 3 spells usually at least 1 is usefully for something.

      • Minti
        March 17, 2019 at 2:28 PM

        ok forbidden words is not a godo card. Priest are not going to use it :D. And mages have twinspells so you can find good things. Its even good to play control mage with double pyroblasts. Thats 20 dmg that if your oponents does not have the tools to clear is bascly on turn 11 if played on curve. And you can get a third piroblast. So you basicly get a free win condition from his effect. Considering Twinspells will make this guys better. You may not want to put that guy in your jan alai decks, But they are goners anyway. But tempo dragon mage with double pyro is an option for me.
        Blast wave gives you plenty of random mage cards in any case so at turn 10 you get insta tempo burst and you get to dump an extra card even if you don;t get anything good from the battlecry.

    • KublaiMBP
      March 19, 2019 at 6:19 PM

      You don’t have to play burn archetype mage … In fact I think a lot of people would prefer if you didn’t. This card slots right into Reno Mage.

    • Unknown User
      March 23, 2019 at 6:48 PM

      First of all, having encounters doesn’t make a card bad. If having encounters would make the card bad then most of the cards are garbage cuz they can be killed by twisting nether.
      Secondly, the spell isn’t ‘random’, you can choose from 3 spells to choose one that is suitable for your situation. And needing a pyroblast to end a game isn’t such a common situation. On the other hand, needing a board clear would be more common. Therefore, this card provides flexibility and more possibilities and is a pretty good card.

  11. EksSkellybur
    March 15, 2019 at 2:01 PM

    Come Forth! Blue Eyes White Dragon!

  12. Zottffss
    March 15, 2019 at 1:33 PM

    Luna’s Pocket Galaxy, Alexstrasza, Malygos, Kalecgos, Pyroblast. Easy 30 damage.

  13. Skoopy
    March 15, 2019 at 2:37 AM

    Some thoughts i had in mind i saw that card: Pocket Galaxy, Antonidas and Malygos.
    Maly and Kalecgos in hand, playing Kalecgos into some big spell, into Maly next turn, into a big spell you had on hand.
    Or playing Antonidas the turn after him (hopefully he survives) and than try to combo into some TTK maybe even OTK.
    And all together could be playable with Pocket Galaxy.

  14. DaniHallowity
    March 14, 2019 at 9:48 PM

    Mistakes I believe I will make:
    In my mind: On turn 9, I will coin out kalecgos and play blizzard and next turn will throw my 2 fireball for lethal.
    On turn 9 after I play kalecgos: GG, I screwed up.

    • Skoopy
      March 18, 2019 at 3:14 AM

      You cannot Coin the same turn lol, its your first spell that turn! So even you screwed up, it doesnt matter :D, it wont work ;).

  15. CrazyCameron127
    March 14, 2019 at 9:20 PM

    What I see in this card is a blend of Inkmaster Solia, Tortollan Primalist, and Duskfallen Aviana.
    Inkmaster: If you have a spell in hand you can play this 4/12 body and the spell for free, without any deck requirements
    Tortollan: If you don’t have a spell, you discover one, and you get to target where the spell casts
    Aviana: If this survives, you get the free spell effect again, and your opponent doesn’t.
    So take the best aspects of those 3 cards and you get Kalecgos. The only problem is whether or not mage will have the tools to survive until they can swing the board with this, and I think they can. Flamestrike, Blizzard, Blast Wave, and Polymorph are all cards that aren’t out of the picture for a control mage to play, and can do better with Kalecgos on the field. Plus there are 9 other mage cards coming, and some of those may help mage too, so I this card will do really well in mage.

  16. TallJake26
    March 14, 2019 at 8:37 PM

    Malygos and Kalecgos together would be insane – imagine a fifteen damage zero mana pyroblast.

  17. Lluadian
    March 14, 2019 at 6:11 PM

    Muahahaha finally a reason to not to instantly dismiss pyroblast 10 Mana 4/12 and 10 dmg to Target that’d be a dream to discover it.

  18. Jed
    March 14, 2019 at 5:17 PM

    Will mage make it to the late game without our dearest Frost Lich? If the answer is yes, then watch out for the latest 4/12 piece of dragon meat!


  19. Taznak
    March 14, 2019 at 4:19 PM

    Sweet card. It’s like Arcane Tyrant in that it lets you clear the board AND put down a body of your own in the same turn, except it’s a lot stronger and it’s a turn 10 play. It can even be used more proactively by playing Luna’s Pocket Galaxy if you don’t need the board clear. Auto-include in Control Mage, if that archetype is viable- which is far from certain. 4/5.

  20. Freedon
    March 14, 2019 at 3:53 PM

    Could support a Dragon Control Mage well. Odd Dragon Mage was quite effective, and with the loss of Baku and Jaina, this offers some support for reimagining that deck going forward.

  21. Orasha
    March 14, 2019 at 3:06 PM

    This could be a fun top end in a midrange/control Dragon Mage. Mage desperately needs powerful cards to be competitive next year, and this is a start… in a vacuum of course.

  22. DukeStarswisher
    March 14, 2019 at 2:20 PM

    In a vacuum, this card is excellent. It is a 4/12 minion with a bonus high cost control spell for 10 mana. It will definitely see play if control mage survives rotation.

    • TallJake26
      March 14, 2019 at 8:36 PM

      Sure, this card is good but you have to take into account the other cards that are coming out in the next expansion too. The new priest spell Forbidden Words, which probably would become meta, can kill Kalecgos for just four mana instantly.

      Not saying this card is bad, just saying that there’s probably lots of counters to it.

      • DukeStarswisher
        March 15, 2019 at 6:43 AM

        Just because a card has an easy counter doesn’t make it bad. I don’t see the point of bringing up removal when the value is already there the turn you play it unlike malygos.

        Every card has a counter. If it didn’t there would be trouble.

  23. Soup And Salad
    March 14, 2019 at 12:18 PM

    The question about Kalecgos is not whether it is good enough to see play but whether Mage will be in a place that can support his kind of effect.

    I don’t think anyone can deny that a ten mana 4/12 with draw and play a usually high cost spell is not a powerful card in a vacuum. It’s just that most of Mage’s control shell is rotating out of Standard. Granted, the general level of Standard will be much lower than it is now, and maybe Blast Wave, Flamestrike, and Blizzard could be enough to keep the aggressive decks at bay long enough to play this.

  24. Guyopt
    March 14, 2019 at 11:32 AM

    very powerful but mage has no ice block and no jaina so very hard to survive to turn 10

  25. Nickus89
    March 14, 2019 at 11:25 AM

    Seems like auto include in control or dragon mage.. However, we will have to see what lack of Jaina will mean for this kind of archetypes.

  26. Omnitarian
    March 14, 2019 at 11:20 AM

    I was hoping we’d see some big Mage minions that incentivize Luna’s Pocket Galaxy.

  27. Dynasty
    March 14, 2019 at 10:50 AM

    seems cool

  28. Njuns
    March 14, 2019 at 10:48 AM

    This looks insane