Kabal Talonpriest
Kabal Talonpriest is a 3 Mana Cost Common Priest Minion card from the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan set!
Card Text
Battlecry: Give a friendly minion +3 Health.
Flavor Text
Inkmaster Solia had to figure out how to tattoo feathers.- Mana Cost: 3
- Attack: 3
- Health: 4
- Crafting Cost: 40 / 400 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 5 / 50 (Golden)
- Rarity: Common
- Class: Priest
- Card Type: Minion
- Set: Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
- Mechanics: Battlecry
oh hey, a battlecry dark cultist
We are assisting to the birth of the new flamewreathed faceless. Since Blizzard doesnt know how to deal with classes and make all of them remotely viable, their only solution is to take the weakest class and give him absurdly OP cards so that class can have its 5 minutes of glory.
GG Bliizard. No idea on how to balance your game? just start powercreeping the weakest class until is the new meta, rinse and repeat. Pathetic.
Wrong. Classes get their good cards, classes get their bad cards. Do they focus on classes individually in expansions? Yes, you’re going on the right track. However, it isn’t a matter of a classes “Five Minutes of Glory” as opposed to supplying the classes with new material. It’s how the idea of an expansion works. Don’t be surprised.
Combo with brann is pretty good. Great card, priest needs this
Probably OP… Get ready for the auto include. Dark Cultist was good value with +3 Health as Deathrattle… but to have it instantly? Bonkers.
Ever hear of Temple Enforcer? It has the same battlecry
Its stupid to compare this card’s strength to the 6/6. This effect at 3 mana is leaps and bounds stronger than it on a 6/6. It is overpowered, but maybe priest needs it to bring it on par with the other classes.
Very strong card! Priest needed solid early game drop like this. the 3/4 body is good on it’s own and the battlecry to give your friendly minion +3 health makes it’s so that the card will be probably used in any priest deck
Seems OP but priest doesnt have any strong 2 drops so it is good but not OP imo
They have a 2 drop its is that 2/3 minion that gives you 1 health at the end of each turn
It´s not true there are no good 2-drops for piest at all. The wyrmrest agent in my dragon priest deck is just waiting to become a 2/7 taunt^^
But sure I would like to see a good 2-drop for priest in this expansion as well.
This card compared to any other 3 drop statswise is just absurd? I am so confused why
Because priest is the weakest class, so it needs the strongest cards so that it can be evened out a bit
might be really op