Jade Idol
Jade Idol is a 1 Mana Cost Rare Druid Spell card from the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan set!
Card Text
Choose One - Summon a Jade Golem; or Shuffle 3 copies of this card into your deck.
Flavor Text
Shuffle or no guts.- Mana Cost: 1
- Crafting Cost: 100 / 800 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 20 / 100 (Golden)
- Rarity: Rare
- Class: Druid
- Card Type: Spell
- Set: Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
- Mechanics: Choose One, Jade Golem
Broken. 100 % broken card and must be nerfed. It should say “Shuffle two Jade Idols (that only summon a Jade Golem) into your deck”. Druids are immune to fatigue. This is – really – good in any druid decks as a anti-fatigue card.
Is it just me or when this card get going with fendral and gadgetzan auctioneer it’s just plain dumb. I hate the card because it make me feel blizzard does not do one bit of playtesting. We playtest, they nerf and so on…
so this will beat any control deck by itself
priest used to have the best end of game but now…. thanks blizzard, you took away the only good thing for priests 
I see the potential to absolutely steam role every deck around, and I hate that I’m going to get beat by this all the time, mainly my favorite deck is Warlock, because it takes skill to play well, so this sucks I had high hopes going into this expansion my decks would do okay, but now this strategy trumps them all, I’m forced to win faster than they can summon these golems, which isn’t possible due to the amount of ramp Druid will have after this expansion, thanks blizzard I’ll have to dust all of my cards now in hopes of putting a dent in a deck, that I won’t enjoy playing…
rip fatigue decks.
Rip every deck that’s not druid ramp jade golem
u guys not seeing the potential of this card.
Keep playing your control deck as usual then keep shuffling this cheap card.
first shuffle: 4 cards in deck
second shuffle: 6 cards in deck
with the help of others “do something, summon a jade golem” you´ll end up playing HUGE minions with just 1 mana.
Heck, I’m running zoo and there’s no chance, the ramp druid jade golem has to be the best deck in the game
People forget that that dilutes your deck also, so shuffling them in early will screw ur draws bad.
Itll still take finesse to know when to cycle them thru the deck or when to hold onto them.
Bring out Gadgetzan Auctioneer, cycle, win. This card is completely broken.
I’ve never seen a more broken card. This will get nerfed by blizzard in 2-3 months. Mark my words.
They should nerf it now, mainly the jade golem mechanic I’m not mad at the cycling so much as I am mad that will all that ramp, will just be impossible to deal with, zoolock needs to be faster, and we only got slower cards
This combo would be fair if jade golems were just 3-3 minions, but of course they have to make a mechanic more broken than any other in the game
What ? you love aggro decks ? 2 years aggro was stronger deck in the game and many beginners could beat pro players with control decks that has too many legendary cards , it’s so good that control decks time has come . this card is not better than 4 mana 7/7 , that card is bug not this.
Hey, you still have a couple weeks to be right! Do you still feel the same way?
Nothing happened
Very good. Not actually “broken” all on it’s own, since it fills your deck with the same card. good for sustained value and possible burst in minions on board. but its a grinder. combo and heavy aggression still crush the deck with much earlier plays. it shines against control where you can infinitely play more value than they can remove. so all in all very good. but it won’t win games on its own.
You’re saying with all the ramp druid has, that this combo will be slow? what are you high? Druid already deals with zoos early game, so zoo wins by like average turn 7, by then you can have 10 mana at least 5 golems deep in combo, and be swiping the crap out of zoos board, while refilling your deck because you didn’t already have enough plus
I would agree with everyone that in a vacuum this is too broken and simply outrageous. However, in light of the devolve card reveal I am okay with this, to hell with shamans and their broken garbage at least we have something to battle them with now. Fight broken with broken, good one blizzard you made a joke of the expansion and balance in general….but hey at least its not all for shaman!
that card is not for jade druid at alll
that card is for freaking fatique controll druid wich will shuflle it over and over again
Why would you neglect half of a card just to have a one mana add three of these cards to your deck, I don’t see beast druid picking this up ever
dont know what blizzard is thinking printing this card
mi mi mi mi mill mill mill miill mill mill mimimimi mill mill is back and immortal! now you cant! go out ôf cards as druid
It’s fair if the jade golem mechanic, and the choose one synergy, weren’t a part of it, a one mana add three of these to your deck and heal your hero by 5
Think of keep shuffling and playing other cards that Summons a jade golem until somewhere in the game you fill the board with a squad of golens 4/4 5/5 6/6 7/7 8/8 and so on.
Fendral shuffles AND play a jade golem
This would be a good idea if Druid would be able to draw a lot of cards. Building this card up is very slow and that stops it from being too strong.
Wrath, Nourish, Mark of Y’Shaarj and maybe, at a pinch in a Golem/Minion focused deck, Lunar Visions… Druid isn’t terrible for card draw on the class cards alone.
Then bear in mind you’ve got Fandral in there as well and all the buff cards that make Token Druid a “thing”. Jade Golems _could_ be the new Tokens as it’s all about the big swing from having nothing on the board to it being full of big minions in very short order… and they could be pretty big minions if they’re Jade Golems.
A Fandral/Cenarius/Jade Golem Token deck *might* work.
Are you tallking about the same class?
While its usability will largely depend on how playable the jade statue cards end up being, my first impression is that it’s strictly worse then gang up. Granted, druid is a much better control class then rogue, but it suffers the exact problems as gang up:
You’re spending mana and cards for no immediate impact, the card is dead weight in tempo/aggro match ups and you won’t get any significant value out of it until the game reach fatigue.
I don’t know, I think it might have been playable in warrior/priest, but I think it’s too slow to be playable in druid.
ALWAYS shuffle the three cards.
I do think it is a good card, but shuffling 3 copies of it into your deck COULD be a really weak play. first of all you play a card that does possibly nothing, second, when topdecked later in the game and your lotus golems aren’t that strong these cards are really bad. I think it is good I think it’ll be tried but I don’t know if it is ACTUALLY gonna be played in competitive decks
when you play one a card that lets you summon a golem each time the golem becomes stronger soo it is pretty op to summon for 1 a 4/4 next a 5/5 next a 6/6 and with this card you can have infinite value at a cheap cost
Well, 1 mana summon a 1/1 and buff all the others or summon bigger than a 1/1 is insane
There’s nothing that says you need to shuffle them until the late game.
Oh,I love dat commentaries,”This is one of the most powerfull cards from the gadgetzan”,”Its straight up broken.”,”This is the most broken card I’ve seen since warsong commander. “,”this is the strongest card in standard”,”This is simply broken”.Like this is the new Dr,Balance
This is simply broken
this is the strongest card in standard
Good.Infinitely good.
But the real question: Do you use 1 or 2 of these?
2 for stability, plus if you draw both early on, use one to summon and one to shuffle.
Fatigue Druid, here we come!
You will literally never run out of cards
Hell yeah!
In the right circumstances its great, but I can’t help but feel that it could be a really, really bad topdeck at the wrong time unless you’re packing some serious card draw. It’s likely to be extremely good, and I will be playing with it until my dying day, but I can’t quite say it’s broken. Shuffling it into the deck is a pretty bad tempo loss, after all.
This card will never be played in a standard tempo deck anyways. The tempo loss will be largely irrelevant. The only way to counter this card is a hyper aggressive deck.
Tempo in Hearthstone is not just for tempo decks. Tempo loss means this card has zero value when you play it to shuffle copies, and actually prevents you from playing the cards you need to maintain board presence. So no, agro decks are not the only way to stop this. Anything from agro to slowish midrange wants their opponent to be playing this, because it’s incredibly slow.
This one with Auctioneer makes me sad.
This is the most broken card I’ve seen since warsong commander. Will be a huge control priest counter card.
pull out the magical gadgetzan auctioneer…
Imagine the mill Druid memes
What the hell? You can literally NEVER go to fatigue with this card. Plus you will eventually be getting one mana 10/10s, so yeah. Mill Druid will be king.
It goes above 10/10 friend, end game is 30//30, 31/31, 32/32….
the maximum it can get to is 30/30
It can get as big to as many you play… that was only the example it can be 100/100 if you manage to play that many jade golems. This card is super powerful control/mill Druid here I come!
This is one of the most powerfull cards from the gadgetzan ;dd
Its straight up broken.
Only in games that goes to fatigue
Nope, this card is simply the best in the entire game. You have no idea the possibilities this enables. This card will be nerfed because of how toxic it is. Guranteed.
I’m holding you to that, Dingy!
No nerf yet. Do you still think it is coming?