Jade Claws
Jade Claws is a 2 Mana Cost Rare Shaman Weapon card from the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan set!
Card Text
Battlecry: Summon a Jade Golem. Overload: (1)
Flavor Text
"Best manicure ever!" - Aya Blackpaw- Mana Cost: 2
- Attack: 2
- Durability: 2
- Crafting Cost: 100 / 800 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 20 / 100 (Golden)
- Rarity: Rare
- Class: Shaman
- Card Type: Weapon
- Set: Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
- Mechanics: Battlecry, Jade Golem, Overload
Now midrange shaman will start rising a 1 mana 7-7)))
Rouge also got nothing in Old Gods but shadow strike, that usually is one copy, loosed the Blade fury and become better that It was cause the cards that went out for other classes. So I Hope the same happens. Any slower deck is good for miracle
For a second I though that rogue finally got a good card in this expansion, then I realised it was a shaman card.
is it so difficult to come up with original mechanics for shaman that do not revolve around “overload”? Come on…
Why overload??? 2 mana – probably playable. 3 mana – just… we need to try it in the game, but I think 1 copy in deck maks
Looks like Rogue really is getting the Priest treatment. How sad. I was hoping this would be a Rogue weapon at least since other cards were all subpar for Rogue.
hard to evaluate is like Axe but instead of 1 durbality u got Jadew golem seems goood IF jade golem is a thing
Blizzard: Nerf Blade Flurry to give other classes weapons…
Thanks for that comment, absolutely agree. It’s a shame what bad, understated, non-weapon cards are released for rogue. Nerf blade flurry so that they can “bring out some weapon-supporting cards for Rogue”. Since there: Not only one weapon ore weapon-supporting card for Rogue. Thanks, Blizzard.
I had a small heart attack when I saw the word “claw”, but luckily, it’s not even close to that
More good shaman cards? who wouldn’t want those? especially with the ugliness rampant on ladder
its fine
Looks like rogue will be crying in a corner for another expansion. Better nerf blade flurry