Ironwood Golem
Ironwood Golem is a 4 Mana Cost Common Druid Minion card from the Kobolds and Catacombs set!
Card Text
Taunt Can only attack if you have 3 or more Armor.
Flavor Text
Marketed as a "rust-proof iron golem."- Mana Cost: 4
- Attack: 3
- Health: 6
- Crafting Cost: 40 / 400 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 5 / 50 (Golden)
- Rarity: Common
- Class: Druid
- Card Type: Minion
- Set: Kobolds and Catacombs
- Mechanics: Taunt
A nice taunt that currently doesn’t fit the meta. A definite build-around.
Even if it has good stats for a taunt minion the effect kills it
Wow can you rateat least 1 card well?
Why though!? He has a statline that’s normal for its cost, 4 mana 3/6. Sillithid Swarmer was a 3 mana 3/5, that made sense. If this was a 3 mana 3/6 I could understand…
Imagine getting this card through Warrior’s Ironforge Portal
Turn 4, this, saves you some health, turn 5, or when it’s low on health, furbolg mossbinder, 6/6 elemental.
Have any of you seen Oaken Summons? It pairs great with this card and in a DK, Taunt deck this works greatly to help you build up armor and Defences with all the taunt minons. Also with this set and other cards like Earthen Scales, Branching Paths, Kun, Feral Rage, UI, and others that give armor. Hell this seems like a breath of freah air for Druid since its not jsut Jade all the time. I Loved the Jade deck but it has gotten boring playing the same thing over and over again in Standard. In Wild this Armor and Taunt deck is still going ot be fun and. Might not be as epic as Big Ramp Druid in Wild but still fun and annoying.
This is also in jade btw kek
Goes great with the 8 cost recruit druid guy
Now that the new spell is out this card seems pretty decent in a taunt aggro deck with Hadro to refill the board late and N’Zoth maybe? I don’t know but it definitely seems playable now.
Very true
1 health better than tazdingo for such a big downside? no thanks
Here comes all the pack filler
Even with Taunt this card isn’t very good. It isn’t overstatted at all and has a drawback. I get that not every card in a set needs to be a 3-5 star card, but why are there so many unplayable ones?
There’s a difference between an unplayable card and a meme card
This set has a lot of meme cards, but few unplayable ones (like this one)
Hey, one more health than Sen’jin Shieldmaster for a huge drawback.
“Can’t attack” minions are bad. Join the club.
actually they are only bad because they usually don’t do anything. This one however has taunt, meaning that even if it can’t attack, it will still have an immediate impact on the board
actually they are only bad because they usually don’t do anything. This one however has taunt.
I mean the Tar dudes are basically the same thing in 90% of situations, soooo…
yeah but the tar neutral is 3 mana and can actually attack
Tar’s job is to taunt to block enemy damage. It’s 1 dmg is regularly insignificant and just sent to face.
Not being able to attack on a taunt is really not a big deal… they still hit back when attacked!
Right…so what you’re actually saying is that this is one more mana than Tar Creeper…and you’re getting a single health point in return.
Gaining three armour by turn 4 seems almost impossible, making it not amazing on curve
You need 3 mana by turn 5 for it to be playable on curve, not turn 4. There are a lot of ways to make that happen.
Yh true.
Though it certainly wont happen though just hero power
Why not play tar creeper for 1 less mana, and always get to attack with 1 attack?
it has one more heal and can attack with 3 in late ? MAYBE just MAYBE… :/
Why is it always “why don’t you play that instead?”. Maybe you play a tauntdruid deck and you wanna play both.
Twilight Guardian was very good, and that was a 4 mana 3-6 that often had taunt, as well as some other synergy with the deck. I think this is weaker, but not by a huge margin. It’s being underrated.
I agree. I think it should have 7 health to really balance out the downside, but still a solid minion. And regardless, I love when they experiment with new idea that aren’t overpowered and break the game.
People are looking for the splashy stuff. Vanillas like this will see plenty of use, they’re just boring comparatively.