Hydrologist is a 2 Mana Cost Common Paladin Minion Murloc card from the Journey to Un'Goro set!
Card Text
Battlecry: Discover and cast a Secret.
Hydrologist is a 2 Mana Cost Common Paladin Minion Murloc card from the Journey to Un'Goro set!
Battlecry: Discover and cast a Secret.
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With the buff now it’s pretty solid, it provides good defense or reliable draws often.
I’m really not sure where Blizzard is heading with these slower value-based discover murlocs. Murloc decks are intristically based around sticking win-more cards on the board and exploiting their self-buffing to rush down the enemy. A 2mana 2/2 is not really going to fit in murloc deck – it’s too weak in an aggor, and too unreliable to be played with Finja. Also, I don’t think paladin secrets are the best in the game, I just don’t think discovering one would add that much value. Overall this card would just feel much better in mage.
On the other hand, what happens of you copy it with Priest for instance? would you get paladin secrets offered?
It’s just a tag.
Huh Im wondering what if Shaman gets it from Megafin? it can discover ANY secret or none?
I would say any.
Interesting card. Could discover dispatch kodo and you can coin that out or just play the card on turn three. Then you could maybe go infinite.
Getaway Kodo*
dispatch one is the hunter card .D
Oops XD Thank you for clearing that up i didn’t notice that. You get dispatch kodo from Informant, not the murloc.
So when will hunter get his 2-Drop secret finding card?
Hopefully never.
Maybe if it’s a 2 mana 0/1 it would be okay.
They already did, but then naxx rotated out of standard.
i wild it will return the old secret paly .
will be great
What happens if you steal it with a class that doesn’t have secrets (for example you Cabal it) and then return it to your hand? It simply whiffs?
i think you can just discover secrets from any class then.
U can get it From shaman quest and ods are over 50% if i calculate corectly
If a shaman gets this through megafin, what secrets he gets to discover?
Is this the first (young?) female murloc in Hearthstone?
Would be better if it wasn’t a Murloc
with murloc tag she can get buffs and value
How the hell is removing a tag good for a card? Last time I checked hungry crab wasn’t being run.
Because every murloc card is inherently worse (kinda) for having the murloc tag unless it’s good when summoned by finja. Because this card is a murloc, you cant play it in a deck that plays the finja package
well, this card is not understatted at all, but the Finja argument is valid
But you have multiple advantages like Curator sinergy, Buffs from other murlocs, receive no damage from corrupted seer etc etc
Only paladins secret’s?
Probably, Discover gives you either neutral or class-matching (with some exceptions).
Its effect has no tribal synergy, so who cares if it is a Murloc or not? Doesn’t make the card worse.
this card is balanced, which means it will never be played in rank
It’s about time paladin received a decent two-drop after shielded minibot! It has honestly been so hard to play a two drop in paladin lately.
Can it discover non-Paladin secrets?
I would imagine no. The Discover mechanic always Discovers cards from the same class as you unless it states otherwise. For example, Jeweled Scarab let’s you Discover a 3-cost card, but you cannot be given the option of a card that is not Neutral or for your class whereas Kabal Courier says “Discover a Priest, Mage, or Warlock card”, therefore you would be given options from those 3 classes regardless of your class.
Guess than any from Grimy Goons faction too.
Pretty sure it can. But you must be a mage for that to happen.