Hench-Clan Hag
Hench-Clan Hag is a 4 Mana Cost Epic Neutral Minion card from the Rise of Shadows set!
Card Text
Battlecry: Summon two 1/1 Amalgams with all minion types.
Hench-Clan Hag is a 4 Mana Cost Epic Neutral Minion card from the Rise of Shadows set!
Battlecry: Summon two 1/1 Amalgams with all minion types.
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How come the treat minion type is missing?
Technically I’m getting more bang for my buck than Chillwind Yeti. I’m getting an extra attack stat and more versatility. 4/5
Yarr harr shiver me be, being a monstrosity’s alright for me.
Very similar to Grim Necromancer, which didn’t see play but also happened to be around during the worst meta for token decks (Spreading Plague, Defile, Psychic Scream). Needless to say you’re really gonna want the bump from the tribe synergies.
Demon, Totem, Dragon don’t really have any payoffs from being on your board rn.
Mechs are already spoiled for options near this slot with Microtech Controller, Replicating Menace, and Explodinator.
Murlocs works, and Pirates might be the very best- works great with Cannon Barrage, Southsea Captain, Bloodsail Howler, and won’t lowroll your Captain Hooktusk turn.
4 Mana “5/5” have 2 Minions that are everything is pretty good. Use the Amalgams for Mechs for Magnetic purposes, Pirates for… Pirate things, or Murlocs to make a fat board. hell you can een kinda use it for Beast Hunter, with the combo of Timber Wolf or Hyena. The list goes on.
Now all we need is a Reversal Hench-Clan Hag were the Amalgams in your hand however, then it would effect the Benifits for Dragons as well, which would have been better in my opinion but, Hey. Beggars can’t be choosers.
Overall I am very Interested as to what Hag can pull off. And which decks is it going to aim for first.
Pirate synergy + murloc synergy + good total stats for its cost makes this a good card. Gonna be hilarious if people end up replacing Dire Mole with Hungry Crab, though. 4/5
Don’t love it, except that Rogue had some cards in Rumble that really need more Pirates to be viable, so this will support that. I’d rather they just add some, you know, Pirates.
We are seing multi tribe deck failure 2.0. Beast dragon murloc cards failed when they were released in one night in karazhan. And this card is worse than the amalgam card. Although the stat like is very good. And arena people may like it. For arena it is OK card. 1/1 tokens that can be buffed is nice. But exept for the demons other classes have very few buff cards. And they are generated so elemental synergy is gone. And dragon synergy is if you are holding a dragon. So unless you are a lock and you have some sort of demon fire its not great.
The archetype is not working now and putting more epic cards will not encourage many people to paly it hence we get less valuable information about it. But it is not working out any tiem soon. For any class whatsoever.
Turn 4 this if lives turn 5 zentimo and earthen might or could do it all on turn 9. Shaman and rogue are the top 2 for using this though druid and warlock might as well.
This looks usefull especially if get more cards like had in karazhan that deal with minions of certain types as a zoo or token cards this isn’t that bad there’s several class cards that require types to trigger ATM pirate elemental and beast are the most valuable on the field. Dragon leans more towards being in the hand. One play I can see already is shaman turn 4 play this if both amalgam live play zentimo and earthen might on curve to get 2 random elementals and buff 3 minions +2/2 good play in my opinion.
Are all Amalgam creatures going to be Epics? Please stop, there’s really nothing that “outstanding” in being ALL minion type. Also still waiting on minions with double minion types, we’ve been asking that forever.
No Epics, they are listed as tokens i guess. For me this seems useless… maybe specific buffs or interactions for Demons or Murlocs, Beasts and Mechs. The only things i can imagine. 2,5/5
Yes, but they are tokens that can only be generated with this Epic card. =/
Who has?
I have, since they printed the Mechs that draw minions of different tribes in Karazhan.
I’m waiting for them to drop say undead or humanoid minion type. As a reference look at the all the types in WoW hunters can track. Would open alot more possible card powers there’s also how things like pally spells worked in games. Holy light dmged undead and healed the living could make a whole nother expansion set is had another dead themed expansion.
This on turn 4 dragon speaker turn 5?
Dragon Speaker buffs your hand.
It wouldn’t work sadly, Dragon Speaker only buffs Dragons in your hand
Might see play in murloc decks, if they are still viable without rockpool and megasaur
4 mana for 5/5 over 3 bodies, two of which can synergise with any tribe? Yep seems like a really solid zoo card.
I don’t know… that kind of stats on turn 5 are really easy to trade into
I less convinced about tribe synergy
Dragons care about dragons in hand, elementals care about elementals played, neither of which work with this card. And mechs don’t have an anthem effect, so these end up as effectily (demon) beast pirate merloks?
not bad at all
So this is basically Microtech Controller with two more health and type synergies (Timber Wolf, Murlocs Warleader etc) at the cost of one more mana. It might be
Doesn’t look incredible, but I wouldn’t say it looks bad either.
It might be nice to set up type-based power plays on 5, should decks have interest in that*
Shaman has best play for that on curve.