Happy Ghoul
Happy Ghoul is a 3 Mana Cost Rare Neutral Minion card from the Knights of the Frozen Throne set!
Card Text
Costs (0) if your Hero was healed this turn.
Flavor Text
When life gives you snow…- Mana Cost: 3
- Attack: 3
- Health: 3
- Crafting Cost: 100 / 800 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 20 / 100 (Golden)
- Rarity: Rare
- Class: Neutral
- Card Type: Minion
- Set: Knights of the Frozen Throne
- Mechanics: Change Cost
Hmmm priest aggro? They have a lot of early game value cards now.
What seems to be a more consistent play is to put it in an aggro/weapon rogue that can easily deal damage to itself from turn two and with leeching poison immediately heal.
A great high tempo play to deadly/leeching on turn three and drop this, while removing a threat.
But for that you need to summon a weapon on turn 2 and apply poison on turn three for one-two uses while dropping this. I dont see the tempo advantage there.
1st card to get nerfed.
Very good card. With all that lifesteal around every class could make use of it, but obviously priest got the upper hand with it.
But, most important, look at that art. He is making an angel on the snow!!! and look at that face!!! I want a plussie of this cute guy NOW
Cute card.
Priest is the natural class to put this in with, as if you suffer any fact damage by turn 1 or 2, you can throw out a 3/3 for no mana, in addition to what your usual play would be.
There’s other synergies of course with Paladin, where healing is a side effect of many other cards. However, I do not suggest playing this with Neutral cards that have healing effects. I’ve seen Voodoo Healer thrown out and…no. That’s an awful idea.
Interesting card, think we’ll see it pop up in a variety of decks.
Seems pretty good. I’m not sure if Priest will be AS enthusiastic as people think they will for it. I wish this was the 2 mana card Priest is looking for (in theory they heal themselves on turn 2 with hero power and then play this), but you frequently won’t be hurt on 2, so that isn’t consistent enough to work.
That being said, some decks will really like this card. Stapling a 3/3 for zero mana (and a card, which IS relevant, so keep that in mind) will be very appealing, especially with so much lifesteal running around. I’m not willing to call it great immediately, but it will offer some very interesting build and play options. Keep an eye on this card.
umm i believe you meant 5/5 for the art correct?
0/5 for the amateur-hour snow angel.
Druid is the fastest way to get this out, turn 1 moon fire self, play voodoo doctor, play 2 of these. Innervate ravasaur runt, innervate….
This game would be easy if I could start with 4 extra cards.
#blizzard cant balance …and now a free 3-3 .great plus your hero is healed ..can someone teack blizzard how to balance
None of your criticisms make any intellectual sense and having to read your poor grammar on nearly every card is getting quite obnoxious. So PLEASE STOP.
Don’t over react, this card isn’t broken. At best it is a 2 mana 3/3 plus you opponent has board initiative. This card is perfectly fine unless your opponent plays aggro.
Can someone TEACH this guy how to spell
This is an arena card dude. In constructed, control decks don’t need this, because the 3/3 stats are rather weak. Playing it free isn’t much value for them anyway. Aggro decks won’t need this because they don’t heal themself, a 3-mana 3/3 is weak, and expensive. It’s probably not the best pick in arena either, but it’s decent. In priest you have the chance to play it on turn 2. That’s it. Not too unbalanced.
Unless you are holding two of them…
Your missing the point. This was my ment to be an agro card, it was ment for a possible tempo play against agro. Havnt Having you noticed most cards in this set heavily support control.
Wow, now the priest 3 drop with lifesteal and 2 drop that gives +1/+1 and this Happy Ghoul start to look like a zoo deck!
Great synergy with the new lifesteal mechanic
awesome in priest, good tempo minion. in aggro matchups ur almost always damaged
Does it cost 0 even if you heal your opponent?
Can you read, it says “your” hero
It explicitly says ‘your’ hero, so it does not.
We’ve never been so close to Aggro Priest
Does anyone know if you need to be “injured” for this, can you coin with priest and hero power on yourself with 30 health then cast this??? Seems too good for priest if so.
Since other cards like Northshire Cleric with the same phrasing in their card text need the target to be injured, this rule will also apply to Happy Ghoul.
No, you actually need to recover heal for this to proc.
Like with Northshire Cleric, and the other cards with the same trigger.
Priest will like this card
This card is straight up Broken in Priest especially against agro. Turn two hero power face summon two 3/3 gouls.
warlock will love this card.
I agree. This 2dmg 2heal card from the basics set looks now great