Goru the Mightree
Goru the Mightree is a 7 Mana Cost Legendary Druid Minion card from the Descent of Dragons set!
Card Text
Taunt Battlecry: For the rest of the game, your Treants have +1/+1.
Flavor Text
He's untreefeated.- Mana Cost: 7
- Attack: 5
- Health: 10
- Crafting Cost: 1600 / 3200 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
- Rarity: Legendary
- Class: Druid
- Card Type: Minion
- Set: Descent of Dragons
- Mechanics: Battlecry, Buff Minion, Taunt
I really like this card, but maybe turn 7 is too late? And you’ll only have one copy, so you wont consistently get 3/3 treants.
Since the treant deck doesn’t exist competitively (despite having tons of support, going all the way back to Witchwood), it’s hard to say whether this will make any impact. I wish this card was cheaper, so you could see him before a lot of your treants are already dead.
Bros now you can run 3 druids of war
Not much to say, Treant decks need to kill your opponent quickly, this is way too late game. 3/10
There’s also the fact this can probably buff up treants that were already on your field and serve as a taunt to keep opponent from trading or going face against you.
Yeah I guess that’s true, its honestly a card that should be included in any treant themed deck for that reason, but treants right now aren’t that good except as a secondary package in token decks AND the buff isn’t going to be super game-changing at that point in the game
Based off of other cards shown now though draw 2 being free with 3 treants or 1 with 2 treants. Given all the treant support it could make a reappearance and may have reason to use mulch muncher.
Ok I stand corrected again, I think this is a bit more of a 6/10 card, I apologize for being so racist towards treants ; D
Ok I stand corrected again, I think this is a bit more of a 6/10 card, I apologize for being so unfair to treants
I mean after Thaurissan’s shenanigans rotate back to wild, quest druid won’t really have a win condition, besides pure value, so treants should be okay as a late game token win condition:
Stall for 4 turns, some kinda hand refill with Nourish until 7 mana and then unload with this, forest’s aid and Cenarius. It will probably resemble the pre wild growth nerf token druid that ramped up before doing combos of sticky minions and then savage roar and such. With waves and waves of 3/3 treants this might just be a viable win condition.
I expect the battlecry will be irrelevant, Treant cards are bad (with the exception of The Forest’s Aid in Token Druid) and this is not powerful or consistent enough to make them good.
Goru’s stats are good for the mana, but at 7 mana you want more than just a good body from your minions, just ask Gruul. 2/5
Should be +2/2
Good, but might not be good enough to make treants work. I give it a Tree out of 5 stars.
Goru, the forest’s aid, cenarius. 3 turns of evil in a quest druid can even drop second forest aid on turn 10 with a 2 cost. This can be a swing card for lategame.
They really want Treant Druid as a Meta Deck, huh?
But if there is a card that could make it possible, it’s this one. That’s why I think it is strong. If Treant Druid isn’t a thing, it’s not because this isn’t strong enough, so 4/5 Stars.
Immediately made me think of the green Mtg card Maro, theyre really nothing alike…just similar sounding and looking I guess. That being said, Maro was WAY better
Considering its a 7 cost 5/10 taunt it’s really nice value wise. Add in the fact you can play the 8 cost summon 5 treants twin spell on curve as 3/3s and your in business. Also possible that play Floop after making it 4/4 treants. A card like this really gives value to pulling some of the other treant summoning cards in the late game.
I mean a 3/3 Treant is TREEmendous and all but eeeh, I don’t know about this one, chlief. I mean, we could Experiment with Goru, but let’s just say it’s not my cup-of-tea card. I’m going to give this 3 Stars.
Won’t be good enough unless we get more treant support. And no, Treeinforcement won’t be it.
It does make so playing the 8 cost twinspell on curve has 15/15 value so that’s a plus.
Yeah but in a world where there’s cards like the Warlock dragon that casts hellfire with 5/5 body I have hard time seeing things like Treants doing very well.. And that’s just one example of many.
Don’t get me wrong, Summoning 5 3/3 treants is incredibly powerful but there’s lots of answers for stuff like that in this expansion alone.
That still doesn’t take into account it’s a twinspell so you could summon 5 3/3s 4 times in a single game using pretty much just 2 cards. This basically makes a threatening board that could FORCE your opponent to us valuable removals. And if you were a quest druid you could just drop another 5 or you could drop cenarius and have 2 5/5 treants with taunt on curve for 9 Mana plus a 5/8. This is basically a card that leads into late game nuisances that can just be dropped one after another. And it helps a few cards that would already be run by a quest druid.
After that, Mightree is still on the board as a 5/7 (that blocks the dragon well), you still got your twinspell copy of Forest’s Aid (and maybe the second copy), your opponent hit himself for 3 and gets hit for 5 by Mightree.
Idk if Token Druid is good enough in a Galakrond Meta, but Mightree is mighty.
I agree with WizNan that it’s just a little too slow (look at the difference between turn 7 Pocket Galaxy and turn 5), but I really appreciate what they’re trying to do here. On the plus side: it does curve nicely with turn 7 -> Goru, Turn 8,9 -> Forest’s Aid.
This. In my oppinion, Token Druid will be playable again with DoD.
You play with treants in a token deck that is built around tempo. This card is too slow, but due to its stats I’d give it 3.3 stars