Goldshell Turtle
Goldshell Turtle is a 44 Mana Cost Free Druid Minion Beast card from the United in Stormwind set!
Card Text
- Mana Cost: 44
- Attack: 2
- Health: 2
- Crafting Cost: 0 / 0 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 0 / 0 (Golden)
- Rarity: Free
- Class: Druid
- Card Type: Minion
- Minion Type: Beast
- Set: United in Stormwind
Cards Relating to Goldshell Turtle
Best in Shell Type: Spell - Cost: 6 Tradeable Summon two 2/7 Turtles with Taunt. |
Ah, yes, the card that costs 44 mana… Nice typo