Golden Monkey
Golden Monkey is a 4 Mana Cost Free Neutral Minion card from the The League of Explorers set!
Card Text
Taunt Battlecry: Replace your hand and deck with Legendary minions.
Golden Monkey is a 4 Mana Cost Free Neutral Minion card from the The League of Explorers set!
Taunt Battlecry: Replace your hand and deck with Legendary minions.
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does Elise have to be a golden card to generate a (Golden) golden monkey and a (Golden) map to the golden monkey?
Can i get this from Unstable Portal???
No, it’s a token.
Finally the real treasure! <3
its very VERY slow card
This basically allows your deck to be 29 Control cards and 1 finisher.
Great in Fatigue Mage. Good in Control Warrior. And also might be viable in rogue, due to card cycling.
Every card you have transforms to a random legendary minion
what does it mean? :O