Gilded Gargoyle
Gilded Gargoyle is a 3 Mana Cost Common Priest Minion card from the Kobolds and Catacombs set!
Card Text
Deathrattle: Add a Coin to your hand.
Flavor Text
You hear a coin rattling inside the slotted gargoyle...What could it mean?- Mana Cost: 3
- Attack: 2
- Health: 2
- Crafting Cost: 40 / 400 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 5 / 50 (Golden)
- Rarity: Common
- Class: Priest
- Card Type: Minion
- Set: Kobolds and Catacombs
- Mechanics: Deathrattle
I don’t understand why people are saying this card is bad. It has synergies with the quest and getting another coin for the Razakus combo is great!
What is a synergy worth if quest is bad anyways? But for Raza this might see play, getting your removal out a turn earlier can be strong or your Anduin or just deal 2 extra dmg is ok.
Great card
Solid card, gr8 with Raza
I mean DK lul
Finally we can play Velen with 3 mindblast in one turn.
I was always able to that :P…
It’s like rogue 4 mana 5/4, but 3 mana 2/2, right? Seems fair.
Coins are a part of rogues identity.
Can’t expect the same from priest without paying more.
Really? What’s priest identity then? Stealing cards is also rogue. Healing? Sham and Pal can do it even better now.
Priest is Bad in everything, nur the class Identity is often op.
So is Priest Dragon not a thing anymore?
Priest identity is mostly heal and silence, and somehow telepathy in the form of copying opponent’s cards. Also priest has always been the coolest class to utilize dragons and that has somehow become part of the class too.
Get your answer now, Senator?
I’ve been trying to make a quest singleton priest work for a while. Seems like a pretty good addition.
yeah me too. they printed a couple of decent cheap deathrattles now, two of which are priest-specific, so things are looking up
I think Blizzard forgot which class to put this card in
This card is soo good!
Priest Tempo card
Synergizes well with Anduin and Auctioneer. Becomes necessary when Raza rotates out.
5 stars for now though because it joins a tier 1 deck.