Giggling Inventor
Giggling Inventor is a 6 Mana Cost Rare Neutral Minion card from the The Boomsday Project set!
Card Text
Battlecry: Summon two 1/2 Mechs with Taunt and Divine Shield.
Flavor Text
"I shall build a mighty golden paladin! And he will GREET the WORLD!"- Mana Cost: 6
- Attack: 2
- Health: 1
- Crafting Cost: 100 / 800 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 20 / 100 (Golden)
- Rarity: Rare
- Class: Neutral
- Card Type: Minion
- Set: The Boomsday Project
- Mechanics: Battlecry, Divine Shield, Summon, Taunt
Giggling Inventor Additional Information
Cards Relating to Giggling Inventor
Annoy-o-Tron Type: Minion - Cost: 2 - Attack: 1 - Health: 2 Taunt Divine Shield |
This is an 11/10 card from the day i saw it i knew it was going to be over powered and that it would be on the chopping block for reform it gets nerfed in the next wave im certain of it.
Honestly this card is pretty underrated
Lol Reinan you are so wrong. It’s like the top-rated Arena card and the closest thing to an auto-include in constructed from the common/rare neutral standard set.
Some people say this is an anti-aggro card
Some people say this is an aggro card
Well you’re both right
It just goes in every deck
Being a new player, I only have an odd rogue deck for the ladder. This card surely influences odd rogue a lot. (1) a very good defensive card for the opponent. If odd rogue takes care of this by simply attacking into the swarm, it basically absorbs 4 attacks, which shuts down vicious fledgling, thug, and leeroy. Single removals like vinespine doesn’t work either. What works better could be fan of knives (clears the giggling and two shields), a card that might see more use given this and odd pally.
(2) Odd rouge might consider adding this to its own list. The two shielded are hard to remove. The next turn, rouge could play mushroom power and cold blood for a climax.
Good analysis! Also good to protect minions from on-board-trades and pushing more/earlier face damage.
I am very not excited to play against this, saronite chain hand and tar creeper as a turn 3,4,5 in every slow deck. Stall, stall, stall some more.
This card will never see play because it dies to defile, a 2 mana card.
No it doesn’t. First ping kills the card, breaks the two divine shields. Second ping drops them to 1/1s. You are still left with 2 1/1s.
I would call it a 4 mana card though.
A card that would summon 1/1, 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, 5/5, 6/6 and 7/7 for 5 mana would also die to Defile. It doesn’t mean that it’s bad. Warlocks running defile are still maybe ~10% of the ladder and so far nothing suggests that it will change drastically.
Not to mention that it wouldn’t even die to Defile, you would need to bump one of the Divine Shields first.
It doesn’t. This is a very sticky minion and will probably see a lot of play in aggro decks
You were so wrong
100% new tar creeper that’s either 4 hits and then body left or 2 1/2s after aoe`d 4.5/10
I could see this being a very nice card to come back with in arena. If your opponent doesn’t have a combination of minions and AOE or a flooded board, this card could buy you the time you need to stabilize.
This is a 5 out of 5 for sure. Will definitely see play, maybe the best 5 mana neutral taunt option since Sludge Belcher.
Hello I give the large S T I C K
This card alone would have killed pirate warrior. Very interesting. Very good defensive and offensive options. Will see lots of play.
Mossy Horror becomes better!
Is she the one that makes all those damn annoy-o-trons?
Hello! Hello! Hello!
Heimerdinger’s sister? I mean that art… it’s almost identical to heimerdinger’s splash art.
Think this card will be underrated by a lot of people. Maybe its because they dont remember how much damage annoyatron actually blocked. This is a bit like spreading plague but is more flexible. This card is not about killing minions with it, its about stalling a turn or even two until you can make a power play and get back in the game.
But I would not even be surprised if it would be played in an aggro deck with buffs, three bodies with two of them with divine shield is just strong.
Yeah it’s like C2A that pulls a vanilla 2/1 and 2 Annoys every time… would C2A be played if that is the guaranteed outcome? I’m not sure but I damn like Annoy’o’trons.
This is probably a better anti-aggro tool than Rotten Applebaum since that could be killed in one attack, functionally only absorbing two with the healing it provided. The minions Inventor spawns will also survive a Defile played without set-up, leaving you with two 1/1s with taunt.
This will probably see play in slower decks without a whole lot of other tools to deal with aggressive opponents and at least some Mech decks since the Annoy-o-Trons are rather sticky and are decent Magnetic targets.
An EXTREMELY sticky card that drops a very synergy-driven type of minion. I could see it, the raw stats are pretty bad for the cost but this is generally going to guarantee something left over the following turn in a lot of matchups. Great for magnetizing, great for Spikeridged Steed, great for Dire Wolf… I think there’s an excellent chance to see this in at least Paladin, and possibly in a lot of other places.
This will be playing in every zoo or aggro deck I assure you
I would love a more refined anti-aggro card that I can drop in an earlier turn than this one. Have 2 annoy-o-trons at turn 5 is an abysmal play. I’d rather bring Abomination than this any day.
One thing that I can commend about this card is that, it can be used in token based decks. The stickier the minions, the better. Though outside of those, there are better options.
The Anti-aggro-inventor
OK, we ARE getting Annoy-o-trons from this, right? RIGHT? It’s even hinted in the card art, so if I don’t hear my “Hello! Hello! Hello!” when playing this I’m going to be HUGELY disappointed. As to the card… 2x Annoy-o-tron would be 4 mana, and the extra 2/1 body is worth 0,5 mana. It’s all in one card so 5 mana is a fair cost. Oh, and let’s not forget that the 5-mana random minion pool just got nerfed with a 2/1 body, relevant in Wild with Firelands Portal. I believe this COULD see some play as stall vs Aggro decks, since Annoy-o-trons and Righteous Protectors are a pain in the ass to go through. We just need to know if certain control or combo decks would want to run this. Druids… they have Spreading Plague, which is much better. Quest Warriors would definitely run this card if the summoned Bots counted for the quest, alas, they don’t… Shudderwock? It would be nice stall, but unlike Saronite, you’ll be summoning bots, not other Shudderwocks. I don’t know, it’s difficult to find a deck right now that would want to run this. Maybe Paladin with the Magnetic synergies they’re getting? Anyway, 2/5 stars in Constructed right now. 4/5 stars in Arena, though. Those bots can stall enough time if you’re behind on the board, or better yet, protect your other minions so they can go face (à-la-3/3 Ooze that spawns 1/2 taunts at the end of the turn).
This takes 5 hits to kill the minions it summons, and gives 4/7 in stats counting divine shields as 1.. that’s not bad. It also puts 2 mechs on the board which are unlikely to be cleared by next turn, and allows a magnetic play. Effectively builds a hard to remove board from nothing which can be buffed next turn. This will see play in some new magnetic decks I’m willing to bet. 3/5
Neutral Call to arms almost. But doesn’t thin your deck. Average card.