Galakrond, the Unspeakable
Galakrond, the Unspeakable is a 7 Mana Cost Legendary Priest Hero card from the Descent of Dragons set!
Card Text
Battlecry: Destroy 1 random enemy minion. (Invoke twice to upgrade.)
Flavor Text
Lazul called Galakrond’s name, her voice echoed by whispers from the deep. Both of Galakrond’s eyes opened… and then other eyes opened, as well.- Mana Cost: 7
- Crafting Cost: 1600 / 3200 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
- Rarity: Legendary
- Class: Priest
- Card Type: Hero
- Set: Descent of Dragons
- Mechanics: Battlecry, Destroy Minion
Galakrond, the Unspeakable Additional Information
Cards Relating to Galakrond, the Unspeakable
Galakrond, the Apocalypse (Priest) Type: Hero - Cost: 7 - Health: 5 Battlecry: Destroy 2 random enemy minions. (Invoke twice to upgrade.) |
Galakrond, Azeroth's End (Priest) Type: Hero - Cost: 7 - Health: 5 Battlecry: Destroy 4 random enemy minions. Equip a 5/2 Claw. |
Galakrond's Wit Type: Hero Power - Cost: 2 Hero Power Add a random Priest minion to your hand. |
Imagine getting Murozond off this guy. I think he is actually quite good. Will play.
I am imagining a monstrosity of a deck with a few invoke cards, maybe 10 dragons (dragerns for you, Jed), a bunch of hyper-aggro neutrals, Transmogriphier to transition to lategame and value from this Hero Power and class dragerns/tempo+wombocombo cards. Sounds sick, if not broken.
Wyrmrest Purifier, sorry; not Transmogriphier…
I think this is the weakest galakrond. Because it is so random. The killing, the hero power. The only reason for running it is the thaurissan drake.
I’d play it simply for the battlecry HP is a bonus also you won’t see this played in res priest since can interfere with pool and be pointless to use with quest. So sure facing deck with this be interesting.
This is a bad res priest class, because you can get cheap priest minions
I already stated you won’t see it in res priest.
This hero power could be good in a Princes Talanji deck, as you will probably get a lot of priest minions over the course of all your invoke cards, that she can put right into play.
Excellent, finally a replacement for psychic scream. If the invoke cards don’t end up being terrible it might finally enable a new control priest.
That’s a dagern.
The hero power seems a bit underwhelming. Sure the battlecry effect is incredibly powerful, probably worthy of the inclusion by itself. But the hero power is rather slow and highly unreliable, since there are plenty of not that good mid or late geme minions out there (test subject, northshire cleric, spirit etc.). At least it has synergy with Princess Talanji.
I think the HP is intentionally underwhelming because they are trying to compensate for the awesome battlecry. But yeah: unless straight-up control priest becomes a thing again, I don’t see this card making too much actual play just because random priest minions aren’t too great.
So my guess is, each time you Invoke Galakrond you get a random priest minion to your hand? Since with the rogue version it’s the same as the hero power.
Anyway I dont think random value wins it from current meta decks. The Uldum mage quest reward hero power seems stronger since it gives a discount and that allso sees no play. I think random priest spells are better then random priest minions aswell.
Hero power to feed Talanji. 🙂
I think this could be a cool card in a deck that just runs a bunch of removal and wants to outlast your opponent late game using galakrond’s invoke and hero power. Could be a very neat deck depending on the rest of the priest galakrond support.
Oh hey, a Fixed version of Shadow Reaper Anduin is here. Cool. Shadowform will never see the Light of Day. Feelsbad. 5 Stars.
I hope the galakrond priest deck manages to give a normal tempo or midrange option to priest without it being some mindfuck shenanigans. I don’t know what kind of deck they want it to be part, so for now I am going to wait for a full review, but Galakrond itself seems promising, because it has a nice hp that gives good value in the late and the battlecry is much better than the one of warnock’s (but worst of the one of rogue). Excited to see what they are going to do with it.
I really want to see huge minions and spells to inwoke this to be able to play this in Resurrect Priest. And I hope the hero power is going to help us
Resurrect priest with getting random northshire clerics. Yup seems terrible.