Galakrond, the Nightmare
Galakrond, the Nightmare is a 7 Mana Cost Legendary Rogue Hero card from the Descent of Dragons set!
Card Text
Battlecry: Draw 1 card. It costs (0). (Invoke twice to upgrade.)
Flavor Text
The enormous creature unfurled terrifying claws dripping with poisonous ichor. King Togwaggle was pleased, but inwardly disappointed the great Nightmare refused to wear the candle.- Mana Cost: 7
- Crafting Cost: 1600 / 3200 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
- Rarity: Legendary
- Class: Rogue
- Card Type: Hero
- Set: Descent of Dragons
- Mechanics: Battlecry, Draw Cards
Galakrond, the Nightmare Additional Information
Cards Relating to Galakrond, the Nightmare
Galakrond's Guile Type: Hero Power - Cost: 2 Hero Power Add a Lackey to your hand. |
Galakrond, the Apocalypse (Rogue) Type: Hero - Cost: 7 - Health: 5 Battlecry: Draw 2 cards. They cost (0). (Invoke twice to upgrade.) |
Galakrond, Azeroth's End (Rogue) Type: Hero - Cost: 7 - Health: 5 Battlecry: Draw 4 cards. They cost (0). Equip a 5/2 Claw. |
So basically Tog Scheme on Leroy, play this, win. This could well be a nightmare for another year+
With possibility of 4 0 cost cards drawn this is just asking for you to pull some bull crap otk combo hell if get this to max And take it into wild this plus brann bronzebeard = 10 cost draw 8 cards and they all cost 0 that’s… Horrifying depending on what did with deck.
Dats a dagern.
Ah, so that’s why Tekahn isn’t rogue…
Don’t hold your breath rogue got a 1 cost discover legendary from another class there is a higher chance of rogues playing Tekahn now than before.
Being able to add in 12 Mana into your hand is something, but I feel like players are just going to go for Galakron, the Apocalypse since I see the 5/2 Claw just being a nice feature when Rouge already has Mirage Blade. With that being said, Lackey Rouge, or the New Invoke Rouge is a very interesting feature, and especially when Hearthstone is setting up for the Next Year of the Expansion, (Which also Includes both Zilliax and SN1P-SN4P to be removed from play as well.
With the powers of Lackeys that we going to have for the next 16 months or so is going to Amp it up for Rouge, and Especially with the help of King Togwaggle if you happen to have that card too. The Power of Lackey Rouge, couldn’t be any sweeter if you were looking for a constant amount of barrages of all sorts of lackeys. The only reason why I’m giving it 4 stars is because this is dedicated to doing with more of a Midrange / Control Style Rouge, with Rouge choosing a bunch of Invoke Cards up amp up Galarond and with Rouge pretty much feeling the same as she’s always been, and how the next overall year is going to be for Rouge. For now, I feel like Rouge doesn’t have to play with a bunch of Lackeys just yet, but when April comes, Depending on what the April Expansion is going to do, Rouge is just going to be covered with lackeys, because of how much value is going to be. perhaps I’m looking too much into the future, but it’s regardless to see Rouge with a new Legendary Hero Card.
I swear kinky gaming needs to make a lackey hearthstone meme video
You’ve seen kinky gaming?
Remember cthun this is him now feel old yet? Yes, I remember old gods, honestly I’m kind of sad that the old gods were not the focus of this expansion, it was teased everywhere! Remember what tekahn said in the boss fight? He summons the old gods using a card, then he says, “yes, the time for the final plague has come” plus, lazul was in the old gods trailer and is a faceless, I’m really sad this is what they went for because people stupidly are obsessed with dragons, I mean honestly dragons in legends kill people and take their riches, if I saw a dragon I wouldn’t stop to think it’s cool I would kill it, and I love observing animals, but even I have to have common sense sometimes
Old Gods corrupt and kill entire cities
Yeah but I was talking about dragons in general and why they were picked this expansion, it wasn’t the same standard to be set upon this opposing status quo, rather it was an example to show the reason for the disappointment that this theme of the expansion caused.
Thing is though this IS the year of the dragon so for the final expansion it’s a given that there Has to be dragons and we’ve been a little lacking on that if looked at last 2 in set was somewhat an average number tossed in.
Ok, sure
So far the most powerfull one… Maybe for some kind of Maly/otk deck?
Oh I can already see the maly otk just need to invoke and mill deck. Play maly scheme it then play this next turn voila you just drew 4 0 cost malygos gg it was fun.
I feel like Galakrond is just C’thun but not as much fun. To be clear, I love C’thun, I love that you can create a deck in which every card interacts with this big wincon, but Galakrond doesn’t feel as big or as powerful as C’thun did. That’s just the sensation, because for all I know it could be cancer AF. Right now, it seems like there are other really good cards that reward you for playing a Galakrond deck, which of course is nice, even if I don’t know if they will be enough to recover the loss of tempo of playing the shitty invocation cards. This particular iteration of Galakrond seems like it wants to be part of a miracle deck, which could happen if it gets other cards except for the one that gives you 3 coins. The hero power seems super weak, especially for a hero cards that comes up in the late game. I doubt that a Galakrond Tempo build will surpass the Quest Rogue archetype, which just seems much more consistent. Too early to be sure about anything, though.
Does he not have a new hero power? Or is it that it has not been revealed yet?
Okay i just read the dev post, Galakrond does different things in each of the 5 villain classes, this is only the rogue one. Each galakrond has its own hero power. Invoking galakrond does not only upgrade him but also triggers its hero power from your class, regardless if you’ve played him yet or not.
Rogue makes Lackeys other powers revealed soon
Remember C’Thun ? This is him now
The images is not so good looking, but maybe they will change it.
However yeay play ass a freaking dragon. Weeee