Frosty Décor

Frosty Décor Card

Frosty Décor is a 5 Mana Cost Rare Death Knight, Shaman Spell card from the Perils in Paradise set!

Card Text

Summon two 2/4 Elementals with Taunt and "Deathrattle: Gain 4 Armor".

Flavor Text

"Yeah, Nature magic pays the bills, but my passion lies elsewhere."

Frosty Décor Additional Information

Ice Sculpture:

Cards Relating to Frosty Décor

Ice Sculpture
Type: Minion - Cost: 3 - Attack: 2 - Health: 4
Taunt Deathrattle: Gain 4 Armor.

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  1. Foshizzel17
    July 3, 2024 at 12:02 PM

    Hagatha the fabled into this is pretty good. Especially if you play the slime after Shudderblock

  2. DeadlyBlinke
    July 3, 2024 at 4:04 AM

    A bit expensive but extremely tanky. Has the potential to mitigate an absurd amount of damage for a mere cost of 5 mana. This will mainly see value from being discovered but will probably also be ran in rainbow shaman and/or dk. 3.5 stars, despite offering huge sustain.