Flanking Maneuver
Flanking Maneuver is a 4 Mana Cost Rare Demon Hunter Spell card from the Fractured in Alterac Valley set!
Card Text
Summon a 4/2 Demon with Rush. If it dies this turn, summon another.
Flavor Text
So, do we have advantage? Can I sneak attack?- Mana Cost: 4
- Crafting Cost: 100 / 800 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 20 / 100 (Golden)
- Rarity: Rare
- Class: Demon Hunter
- Card Type: Spell
- Set: Fractured in Alterac Valley
- Mechanics: Rush, Summon
Flanking Maneuver Additional Information
Cards Relating to Flanking Maneuver
Snowy Satyr Type: Minion - Cost: 3 - Attack: 4 - Health: 2 Rush |
It’s Lillian but for Demon Hunter. This card will see play. Destroying 2 minions for 4 Mana is always a good thing. 5 stars.
Reminds me of flanking strike. Pretty good. Also nice synergy with big demon hunter. Big demon hunter might actually be a deck now.
A better restless mummy for DH. 5/5 Insane removal
I mean. Pretty useless if it was just summon a 4/2 rush.
So the intended purpose was to remove one or two minion while trying to leave a body behind, but with 2 health rush, it’s pretty hard.
Synergize well with Big Demon DH who doesn’t include small minions in deck.
5/5 insane in probably every DH deck. Token style will take 2 bodies and big DH will gladly take semi-proactive things to do before Proving Grounds.