Firemancer Flurgl
Firemancer Flurgl is a 4 Mana Cost Legendary Shaman Minion Murloc card from the Forged in the Barrens set!
Card Text
After you play a Murloc, deal 1 damage to all enemies.
Flavor Text
Diss tracks spitting straight fire.- Mana Cost: 4
- Attack: 2
- Health: 3
- Crafting Cost: 1600 / 3200 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
- Rarity: Legendary
- Class: Shaman
- Card Type: Minion
- Minion Type: Murloc
- Set: Forged in the Barrens
- Mechanics: Damage Enemy Minions, Damage Hero
Now THIS. We gotta talk about this.
This is effectively just a Cheaper Altruis the Outcast for Murloc Shaman, but you REALLY got to keep the minion alive.
Unlike Altruis with Demon Hunter where you have Tons of Card Draw, Murloc Shaman can really do that at least for right now, so they have to depend on Weapons, and Buffs in general in order to survive, and while a 2 mana 2/3 is fine, I think Shaman just needs to learn the Lesson of Murloc paladin before TIp the Scales (if I’m not lost) where they even had Sir Finley and they weren’t even a Highlander deck. It was just a dedicated Murloc Paladin Deck. I think if they were to follow those rules, but for Shaman, I think Murloc Shaman can go far again. However, with that said, they still need Card Draw becuase they WILL run out of gas by like turn 7-10 in my opinion.
You also need to start thinking about your murlocs a bit more instead of going completely aggro and somewhat braindead since his Passive can be terrifying but only when done right.
It’s going to take some experimenting before Murloc Shaman starts to really kick in, trying to find out what Murloc and what card works with what for what reason, so they will start off pretty clunky at first, but then they’ll probably get going.
I have high hopes for Murloc Shaman, but I can also see them just as much making me pull me hair how the power can just spike all of a sudden if they know what they are doing. I have a love-hate relationship with Flurgl already. It’s really fun to play with and looks to be really annoying to deal with if you don’t have spells. 5 Stars.
Altruis is a murloc now
If its not slow long-term-value cards, its murlocs for Shaman. When will blizzard stop giving crap to my favorite class and make use of its other unique mechanics like overload? The former two just never work out.
NOOOOOO!!! OMG Fear Murloc Shamy..
Ugh… Can we not? ._.
Hello again murloc sham
Now I want to play murlocks again
Nice 3 mana board clear in wild when paired with Toxfin
oh shit u rite
Aaah right, that’s even better.
I like the sound of that, but i prefer that my shudderwork rule the wild world
i dont think so
its not according to card text and different from poisonous wild pyro effect
my fault, you are correct.
New Altruis.
Murgle murgle murloc shaman might just be a serious thing again.