Fandral Staghelm
Fandral Staghelm is a 4 Mana Cost Legendary Druid Minion card from the Core Set 2025 set!
Card Text
Your Choose One cards and powers have both effects combined.
Flavor Text
Always manages to mention "Back when I was creating the World Tree…" in EVERY conversation. Sheesh! Enough already.- Mana Cost: 4
- Attack: 3
- Health: 6
- Crafting Cost: 1600 / 3200 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
- Rarity: Legendary
- Class: Druid
- Card Type: Minion
- Set: Core Set 2025
- Mechanics: Choose One
Fandral Staghelm Additional Information
- Card Change (8/8/17): Fandral now includes both Hero Powers and Cards in its effect.
- Fandral Staghelm’s affect is only enabled as long as he’s on the board. [Source]
Cards Relating to Fandral Staghelm
Druid of the Claw (Fandral) Type: Minion - Cost: 5 - Attack: 4 - Health: 6 Charge, Taunt |
Druid of the Flame (Fandral) Type: Minion - Cost: 3 - Attack: 5 - Health: 5 |
Tiger Form (Fandral) Type: Minion - Cost: 2 - Attack: 3 - Health: 2 Charge, Stealth |
Um, Evident, are you going to update this photo?
Wisps Of The Old Gods D:
How does this work for Druid of the Claw?
They said on stream it would summon a 4/6 with taunt and charge.
Bear or cat?
Bearcat. Non mech version of this:
“It’s a trap!”
It’s cool effect and all…. but it encourages greed… and greed gets punished in hearthstone. .
This card is dead the moment it hits the board.
Guys this card makes “Whisps of the old gods” playable. 7 mana 1-1 = 14 stats. But 7 mana summon 7 1-1, and thereafter give all your minions +2-2 is crazy! On an empty board it gives you 3*14 = 42 stats!! and it can be used even if you have a none-mpty board!
except he needs to be on the board so you get 6…
Raven idol with this is pretty nice too
What happens with druid of the flame? it turns into a 5/5 ? for 3 mana ?
or into a 7/7
believe its a 5/5 then, would be to OP if it was a 7/7 3 mana
double innervate new druid legendary round 3 and druid of the flame xD
Oh yeah, but a 7/7 for 4 mana (with 2 overload) isn’t broken at all.
Does this work like Brann where it casts both effect consecutively on one target?
Yes actually it is. For example: wrath.
2 mana 3 damage to one minion or 1 damage draw a card. With fandrall out its four damage to a minion draw a card. It does NOT let you choose a second target for the second choice.
My primary deck is based around him so ignore that other Dylan who said no.
Wrath is sick with this. 2 mana 4 damage and draw a card.
It goes from left to right (confirmed in official hearthstone stream)
Really great card. Possibly one of the best in the expansion.
Great card. One question though: what order do they occur in? Left to right? Order is important for Keeper of the Grove, Power of the Wild, and Cenarius.
In the order that they are listed on the card
Cards like cenarius or power of the wild will summon the minions first than buff. Which is, in fact, the opposite order they are or the card. So as I told the other guy, ignore the other Dylan, as its incorrect. My primary deck is based around him and does quite well against anything except an extremely lucky control deck.
Current list of cards that interact with Fandral: Ancient of Lore, Ancient of War, Anodized Robo Cub, Cenarius, Dark Whispers, Druid of the Claw, Druid of the Flame, Druid of the Saber, Feral Rage, Grove Tender, Keeper of the Grove, Living Roots, Mark of Nature, Mire Keeper, Nourish, Power of the Wild, Raven Idol, Starfall, Wisps of the Old Gods, and Wrath.
What happens with druid of the claw or ancient of war??
10/10 taunt and 4/6 charges
Claw: gains +2 health, taunt and charge. Ancient of war: gains +5 Attack and +5 health.
I’ve seen this idea around for so long, I’m really glad it finally came to fruition. I think it works extremely well because as long as this card is on the board choose one cards get insane value
Strong card, especially when 4 drop is open after mechs r gone. Id like to see it in play
If this survive turn 4 and you play nourish
Holy goodness I hadn’t thought of that combo! I got fixed on Druid of the Claw or Druid of the Flame Shenanigans!
Better yet: This guy Turn 4, Turn 5 Innervate into Ancient of War
Question: How would this guy and Cenarius work? Which effect would happen first or if they are simultaneous would you then get a 5/8 and then 2 4/4 Treants w/ Taunt?
Unfortunately, it goes left to right, so the treants spawn after your minions get buffed.
It actually summon 1st then buffed.