Faceless Behemoth
Faceless Behemoth is a 10 Mana Cost Common Neutral Minion card from the Whispers of the Old Gods set!
Flavor Text
Rejected names: Forty-Foot Faceless, Big ol' No-face, Huge Creature Sans Face, Teddy.- Mana Cost: 10
- Attack: 10
- Health: 10
- Crafting Cost: 40 / 400 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 5 / 50 (Golden)
- Rarity: Common
- Class: Neutral
- Card Type: Minion
- Set: Whispers of the Old Gods
The only reason this card exists is to nerf 9 drops from instantly evolving into old gods and death wings with cards like “Master of Evolution” “Evolve” and even “Forbidden Shaping”
no, c’thun is a 6/6, n’zoth is a 5/7, yogg is a 7/5 and they all have battlecries.
Why include this if you can include the new deathwing?? deathwing even has dragon synergy. this card has nothing
I think some of these cards are fillers with unoriginal content.. Does anyone agree with me?
Is this real? Because I haven’t seen it on any other sources
Yes, it’s real: https://www.facebook.com/Hearthstone/photos/pb.498467596862680.-2207520000.1461288499./1100598536649580/?type=3&theater
This miiiiiight see some play in Arena.. other than that, hightly doubt it.
it’s the same dilema with war golem and dr.boom but now faceless behemoth and deathwing, dragon lord
Or Y’shaarj.
Yeah, why not?
I’m planning something around Y’shaarj and Alarm-o-bot, maybe just for fun, but I want to do it.
Pretty average card. Does very little except for providing a 10/10 body, has a lot of competition with the 10 mana slot, especially with the Old Gods coming. I doubt it will be very good save for arena.
Wha-what is this? Why?
Dr 7 War golem? Meet dr.10 Faceless behemoth