Druid of the Flame (Fandral)

Druid of the Flame (Fandral) Card

Druid of the Flame (Fandral) is a 3 Mana Cost Common Druid Minion Beast card from the Blackrock Mountain set!


Cards Relating to Druid of the Flame (Fandral)

Druid of the Flame
Type: Minion - Cost: 3 - Attack: 2 - Health: 2
Choose One - Transform into a 5/2 minion; or a 2/5 minion.
Fandral Staghelm
Type: Minion - Cost: 4 - Attack: 3 - Health: 6
Your Choose One cards and powers have both effects combined.

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One Comment

  1. Poison
    April 24, 2016 at 7:56 AM

    the druid of the flame were always my favorite Druid clan in WOW
    This card though is pretty strong on turn 7 with Staghelm