Dragonfire Potion
Dragonfire Potion is a 5 Mana Cost Epic Priest Spell card from the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan set!
Card Text
Deal 5 damage to all minions except Dragons.
Flavor Text
No one was brave enough to fire the dragon in person… so they made the potion do it.- Mana Cost: 5
- Crafting Cost: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 100 / 400 (Golden)
- Rarity: Epic
- Class: Priest
- Card Type: Spell
- School: Fire
- Set: Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
#rip aggro
Too bad they make this 6*, a spot which is already clunky for priest (Entomb, Cabal, Sylvanas, Justicar, Emperor), though there will be some space with the rotation in 2017… Love the concept
Entomb and Justicar will be rotating out of standard, and this will then allow Dargonfire Potion to jump in.
I believe entomb will still be around, Thats from LoE, its Blackrock and GT that are rotating out last time I heard.
No love is also rotating out
Actually you’re ALL wrong. Nothing is rotating out because the goddamn expansion comes out this year.
Finally, priests will be playable. Very likely the card will still be played after blackrock and GTG rotate, since the card is still really good as a symmetrical board wipe, and there would be less dragon played after those two sets rotate.
Too bad pretty much all dragon-synergies cards are rotating out of standard. It’s still a 5 dmg across the board and since Priest doesn’t have any good board clears right now, I think this card will be in every single priest deck out there
nothing is roatating yet
They do when this card comes out
No, this is the last expansion for this standard cycle. The expansion after this one is when the year of the Kraken ends.
I’m looking forward to the cycle for it to see even better play, personally. Dragon Priest is boring and it’s gonna be really annoying after this set comes out. 1 mana 2/3 into 2 mana 2/4 taunt into 3 mana give one of them more health and play a 3/4 is gonna be a pretty devastating start, especially considering this is supposed to be a control class, not zoo. But I guess Blizzard sees that dragons are the most consistent way for priest to win since Tempostone is so common right now. And if dragon priest does see a lot of play, that lowers this power level a lot since it can’t clear dragons. But once dragons are largely gone, this is just gonna be a pretty solid board clear against classes that aren’t Hunter.
uhh it kinda hurts to see “since Priest doesn’t have any good board clears…” especially after cleaning the board 3-4 times in a row against Zoo in every second game with my combo priest
Shadow Form/Dragon Priest is coming, I guarantee it