Doppelgangster is a 5 Mana Cost Rare Neutral Minion card from the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan set!
Card Text
Battlecry: Summon 2 copies of this minion.
Flavor Text
"Every me, get in here!"- Mana Cost: 5
- Attack: 2
- Health: 2
- Crafting Cost: 100 / 800 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 20 / 100 (Golden)
- Rarity: Rare
- Class: Neutral
- Card Type: Minion
- Set: Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
- Mechanics: Battlecry
Can be op if you buff board or minions in hand.
Soooo Hunters gets THREE nerf’s while Druid get’s a free pass? what about other class’s besides Hunters all the darn time?
Nice card to go with Unleash the hounds for hunters.
use this with brann op op
In rogue I think this will be extremely powerful. Buf (say to a 3/3 or 4/4) use a toxin/shadow step/upheaval, etc. and you will get endless value out of this guy (like a vastly improved ooze). I see this as a possible reinvigoration for rogue for sure. If it will be too slow only time will tell, but if I am quite optimistic.
I realized the combo..
Guys if we get controlish shaman cards ( I mean good controlish) you can thaurissian and then 2 win conditions- play 2 of this for 10.. or brann and this card for like 7. And double evolve. You get 6 minions to 7 mana (doeble evolve, as the 6 slot is pretty bad).
Nobody probabl;y realized one think its not named sumon 2 minions 2/2
it saying summon 2 COPIES of that minion
and we have cards wich buff minions in ur hand and buff it +1/+1 it will be 3 x3/3 for 5 mana
nerfed force of nature now for all classes, I confused, I dont khow why these cards from new expansions aren’t intresting,
I think Blizzard is focusing on each crime families seperately. This week all is about the Grimy Goons. Then within upcoming 2 weeks we will see other 2 families, week by week.
“This is our town scrub”
“Yeah, beat it!”
Is this the new patron? Buff it with the new paly cards and get it to 4/4 or 5/5 and it summons 2 copies with those stats. It doesn’t have the same ability that patron have, but it can be pretty powerful. With brann it is insane. Nice card, i really like it
Nice that it’s a Battlecry. Force of Nature really is a pointless card now, eh?
Also the buff cards in hand cards just got way better. I mean if you get it as a 4/4 let’s say, you get 12/12 worth of stats for 5 mana. And with Bran ? Oh, yeah this one’s nice !
That’s insane! A real Dwarf Army!
Only in wild tho
Brann will be in standard for a few months with dopelgangster
^. What he said.
Can be pretty cood in evolve shaman or buff handpaladin if that deck makes it!
Have you realized that there are not Shaman cards revealed yet?
saving the best for last
I don’t think they’d be making good cards for the class that still dominates ladder