Disciple of Sargeras
Disciple of Sargeras is a 4 Mana Cost Rare Warlock Minion card from the TITANS set!
Card Text
Battlecry: Discard a spell to summon two 3/2 Imps. Forge: Give them +2 Health and Taunt.
Flavor Text
An IMP-ortant card to Forge.Disciple of Sargeras Additional Information
Cards Relating to Disciple of Sargeras
Felblaze Imp Type: Minion - Cost: 2 - Attack: 3 - Health: 2 |
But isn’t this just a worse Crazed Conductor? And the forge just seems garbage. Probably a card you would hardly ever forge.
And why are we discarding a spell? You’re not gonna be playing JUST the 2 spells that do something when discarded, so… This card is gonna discard a useful spell far too often.
Definitely trashbin quality card, at least for as long as Crazed Conductor is around.