Dire Mole
Dire Mole is a 1 Mana Cost Common Neutral Minion Beast card from the Kobolds and Catacombs set!
Flavor Text
You especially don't want to make a dire mountain out of a dire mole hill.- Mana Cost: 1
- Attack: 1
- Health: 3
- Crafting Cost: 40 / 400 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 5 / 50 (Golden)
- Rarity: Common
- Class: Neutral
- Card Type: Minion
- Minion Type: Beast
- Set: Kobolds and Catacombs
I am gone replace cat with this maybe slower but dont die to hero power or cheap spells.
Replaces Fire Fly as the Midrange Hunter 1-drop. The beast tag is huge for Razormaw synergy. This and the new Hunter weapon will really help the class compete in the early game. Maybe even run Plated Beetle for a touch of healing.
Am i the only one who thinks this “mole” looks like a crocodile?
You probably right
That is why it is a Dire Mole.
Good card for arena. Not sure if it will see play in constructive
Wow you suck
Now degenerates on face-hinters also got their card so they can finally shut up about useless hunter spells.
Looking at this card makes me question everything I think I know about this game. I’m not even joking.
What do you mean by that?
Neutral minions are typically a little weaker than class minions. There are other class minions that with the same state line with abilities. Mana worm, void walker and that other Warlock imp, northshire cleric, even tunnel trogg in wild.
It’s a solid card. It’s razarmaw that combos with it really well.
One mana 1/3’s are tough to kill. Solid card.
GREAT CARD! but i don’t like the art work haha
My hunter deck with minions gets his firts best minion cost
Enchanted raven anyone?
I think people are giving this a low rating just because it doesn’t have any text. The beast tag here is HUGE for hunter. The only other 1-drop neutral or hunter beast with more than 1 health right now is hungry crab, which is an epic.
if they give additional effect, its just to op and over value then 1/3 class card
How is this rated 3.4 stars? it’s now the best hunter 1-drop.
the average hs player sucks analysing cards potencial
Cause it’s the best hunter 1-drop………First) that says a lot about the state of the game/hunter as a class Second) that’s not really saying a lot.
I climbed to legend this last season using hungry crab as the secondary one drop to alleycat. Never once killed a murloc with it. Solely used it as a 1 drop consistency that was a beast and didn’t die easily. This fills a void that is greatly needed in hunter.
Turn 1 Dire Mole
Turn 2 Crackling Razormaw
that would be a nightmare
if you get the 3 att buff, the priest will cry
And by cry, you mean will play a Twilight Acolyte that becomes a 4/4…
Only dragon priest can do that, big priest and many razakus deck list wont be able to do that.
5 stars card, great in mid range hunter and in aggro druid.