Deck of Wonders
Deck of Wonders is a 5 Mana Cost Epic Mage Spell card from the Kobolds and Catacombs set!
Card Text
Shuffle 5 Scrolls into your deck. when drawn, cast a random spell.
Flavor Text
"Pick a card, any card. Wait! No! Not that one!" - Last words of previous owner- Mana Cost: 5
- Crafting Cost: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 100 / 400 (Golden)
- Rarity: Epic
- Class: Mage
- Card Type: Spell
- School: Arcane
- Set: Kobolds and Catacombs
Deck of Wonders Additional Information
- The random spells cast from Scroll of Wonder do NOT count towards the Open the Waygate Quest or trigger cards like Violet Teacher.
Cards Relating to Deck of Wonders
Scroll of Wonder Type: Spell - Cost: 5 Cast a random spell. Draw a card. Cast this when drawn. |
I want to see this get cast, then later one of the scrolls casts it again… SO MUCH RNG!!!
This card is so awesome! imagine with quest! even without quest its good but with its perfect. Yogg after this would be rng maddness !
oh wait…..I just read that it does not count towards quest. Lame!! does it work with new dragon caller legend at least?
Imagine getting this out of Yog
Even after his death the randomness continues
Does the scrolls count towards (5) cost spells played? If so, the synergy with dragoncaller might let this card see play.
I was wondering the same thing!
So lets assume that that its only mage spell that get cast. Standard has 37 mage spells(not include quest ,and including the new spells) 7 of thoes requires you to target something that isnt an ememy. 80% of the time you are going to get a spell that should help you(exceptions such as 9 card in hand and arcane int getting cast ect). 20% you will get a spell that can target you or your minions.
So avg 1 of the 5 spells would be a target spell that cpuld harm you or your minions. The other 4 on avg would be mage spells that should help you.
Overall good card. It can screw you over and is not that reliable but value is good.
Totaly agree. Cant wait to pull together my new RNG – Yogg deck.
This will be super fun too. Probably I am the only one but I LOVE the rng mechanism in HS.
Same I live for the RNG If i wanted to play a more competitive game I wouldn’t be playing hearthstone
So – what it boils down to is, for 5 mana, cast 5 random spells … eventually?
Super fun card !
Is it competitive? No
I think it could be playable if you get to choose where the spell hits.
Wow, what a fun card. Speaking as a long-time mage player I can’t wait to play this!
Of course it’s not that good, but seriously want to try making this work.
I did not think Blizzard could possibly make a card more random than Yogg-Saron, but here it is. At least with Yogg you choose WHEN the randomness happens, this is just complete randomness at complete random times.
I’m pretty sure scrolls will count toward Yog spells.
The rogue spider ambushes don’t trigger auctioneer, so I wouldn’t expect this to count towards yogg when drawn.
Cards like ticking abomination will never be put in anyones deck, but blizzard added it so that it becomes a trap for people who evolve into it.
This is a perfect meme card, nothing more
it just says cast a random spell….does that mean you can choose the target….is there a chance that this may cast a pyro in your own face
No you cannot. I just got fucked in ranked because I healed the opponent back to full hp (from 4) and cleared nearly my whole field….
Fun card, but also indirect Lyra nerf due to high cost and forced to add randomness to your deck?
How is this a Lyra nerf its a mage card?
Yup you’re right never mind lol
It casts polymorph on the Lyra you got through firelands portal.
In terms of card design, i hate this card. Hearthstone doesnt need to be any more random than it currently is. I mean as the opponent how do you play around this?
I disagree.
I love non-competitive random cards like these, they add flavour tobthe game and make it less predictable/dull (like control warlock back in the day)
So how often do you play a casino deck like that? and which rank are you at?
King togswaggle + counterspell
Beneath the grounds
Psychic scream
Take extra turns
Nozdormu so animation of spell takes up entire opponents turn.
Does this trigger the quest? if so you could just play the quest and this try to survive and get there.
No, it doesn’t trigger the Quest (I’m going to add some clarifications).
not the random spells per say but the card you shuffle in because i didnt start in the deck.
Surely it does
I think you need to actively play it to count for the quest
Fuck yes, casino mage is back bby!
May the rng be ever in your favor!
The turn after this: polyblast your own face 5 times
It doesn’t say ‘with random targets’, so I assume that you can target a pyroblast at your enemiess face if you’d get that from the random spell.
The targets are random, your opponent can draw you cards on their turn and you cannot choose targets or discover on your opponents turn.
I like the artwork on this one tho..
inb4 sudoku after clearing board and surviving with low hp and Ice Block up…
I like the ambush mechanic being explored beyond ambush itself. 5 mana is costly be mage has more than enough draw power now.
IT’s also good the fact it adds 5 cards into the deck (10 total) so it helps not go fatigue with the legendary weapon. So I think this will be mandatory in decks running the weapon
They cycle immediately so it doesn’t really add a card to your deck to keep you from fatigueing
Where does it say they cycle themselves though?
It didn’t say it cycled for the juggernaut bomb either or the 4/4’s from the card that shuffled 3 Nerubians into your deck.
But they did cycle.
The token says that you draw a card after it casts, there’s a filter on this site that lets you add tokens to the list of cards
Plays this
Next turn: enbrace the shadow, tree of life
Yeaaah… 5/5
Wont it be Just mage spells?
It says random spell, doesn’t use the word mage and I think as long as its not a discover effect, that makes it any class.
Only mage… duh…
what do you mean duh? where does it say mage only spells? im pretty sure only discover effects limit you to class spells, random has never done that
I’m 95% sure that it’s just mage spells.
“Random spell”, not “random mage spell”. Only discover effects are limited to your class, not random generation effects.
This card has been shown on stream; it is random spells from any class, not just Mage spells.
seems good in quest mage
I think the only card which might make it into quest mage is the Spellstone.. Now we only gotta hope iceblock doesn’t go into the hall of fame too soon..
If it does go into the hall of fame, it will be with the next expansion in March/April, when all the 2016 expansions rotate out of standard.
As troll as this seems it could actually see some serious play in quest mage
Sigh, if it really triggered quest mage that is. Unfortunately it doe not trigger the quest, it would be cool if it did though!
As it is, you just use it for memes and more memes!
5/5 Card
For the memes of course – nothing else matters : ^)