Darkbishop Benedictus
Darkbishop Benedictus is a 5 Mana Cost Legendary Priest Minion card from the United in Stormwind set!
Card Text
Start of Game: If the spells in your deck are all Shadow, enter Shadowform.
Flavor Text
Dark Bishop takes Light Pawn, check.- Mana Cost: 5
- Attack: 5
- Health: 6
- Crafting Cost: 1600 / 3200 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
- Rarity: Legendary
- Class: Priest
- Card Type: Minion
- Set: United in Stormwind
- Mechanics: Start of Game
Darkbishop Benedictus Additional Information
Cards Relating to Darkbishop Benedictus
Shadowform Type: Spell - Cost: 2 Your Hero Power becomes 'Deal 2 damage'. |
The card reads: If the spells in your deck are all shadow, but it seems like “start of the game” happens before mulligan so the Questline is not working with my deck, I lost that dust…
I really like the card, but sadly I’m not seeing new benedictus in the meta with current shadow spell (new card not revealed yet)
Problem is low cycle card (card draw being the corrupt card)
3/5 star
But 5/5 in my heart
just make mordresh dual class card.
Does anyone have an idea how this will work in wild with Baku?
Can we hold our hopes up?
If I have to guess
You either:
first gain shadow form then baku’s effect fizzle (Baku only upgrade base HP)
First gain greater heal (upgraded hp)
Then change to shadow form
It dépend of how start of game effect trigger , by (low to high) mana cost OR its random
I’m more intrigued by how new benedictus & c’thun the 3rd interact
This card will be nasty in Wild. I can already see the Reno Priest theorycrafts now. Mwa ha ha!
Super awesome, but unless Priest gets some kicking shadow spells this xpac, won’t overshadow random priest.
“Darkbishop” lol
Yeah this could be fun, hopefully we will get more shadow spells to support it.
This is a Really powerful Card, being able to deal 2 damage for free on turn 2, is such a strong card. It’s not as Powerful as Shadowreaper Anduin, but it is Pretty much close to one. I think you can use more Shadowform, and you could get up to even 4 damage for 2 cards. Consider getting Darkbishop. I think this is going to be a seriously annoying card. 5 Stars.
Unfortunately as I understand it shadowform no longer stacks on extra castings but this does at least make hitting shadowform consistent if that is plan for the deck
Hearthstone whhhyyyy…? PepeHands
damage will not increase, but shadowform spell should allow you to reuse your hero power same round. Could be usefull if you want to finish off opponent.
Finally the support for shadow priest we’ve been waiting for <3
Pretty cool! I dont think its that hard to fill the condition.