Crystalline Oracle
Crystalline Oracle is a 1 Mana Cost Rare Priest Minion Elemental card from the Journey to Un'Goro set!
Card Text
Deathrattle: Copy a card from your opponent's deck and add it to your hand.
Flavor Text
Being made of light has its disadvantages, but at least it's always looking on the bright side.- Mana Cost: 1
- Attack: 1
- Health: 2
- Crafting Cost: 100 / 800 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 20 / 100 (Golden)
- Rarity: Rare
- Class: Priest
- Card Type: Minion
- Minion Type: Elemental
- Set: Journey to Un'Goro
- Mechanics: Deathrattle
We need it to activate the quest !! I think
isn’t this a 1 mana shifting shade?
this is some good value
Wow blizzard. An op 1-drop that isen’t aggressive. Pretty good
I don’t know.. seems like you want to play the quest on turn one and after turn one you don’t want to play a 1 mana 1/1. They could have made it a 2 mana 2/2 like Undercity Huckster.
You could play this turn two with a Northshire Cleric if you were playing against an aggressive deck. You most likely drop it somewhere else along the curve to help with the Quest. It has more value than it’s cost and stats suggest. And the Priest has plenty of options to buff it’s stats if it was worth doing so at the time.
I think you’re totally on the money with this. I’m not sure whether the fat that it’s a 1-drop won’t actually make this better in more traditional control priest decks than a n’zoth deathrattle one
I thought that was kinda the point. Weren’t quests designed to be a cool way to do crazy things with certain archetypes that player can choose to add to their decks i they want. There will be a few players who fin they prefer their decks without the quest for a variety of reasons (They don’t consider the reward worth it, they don’t want the pressure to actually complete the quest, they don’t want to give up a card slot on something that could slow their initial turn and likely won’t trigger in 60% of most match ups. they don’t want to advertise what kind of deck they are doing ,etc.). That’s okay, it just encourages a wider variety of decks.
States are really bad for priest. Good synergy with the quest. The deathrattle can be useless, and this fact can loose you tempo right at the start, and that’s really!!!bad
Would give him 3 out of 5
I would compare this card with swashburgler. It has a class (i.e pirates, elemental etc.), and the stats is the same, 1/1. Just that they have a different activation time of their own ability. Generally, discovering opponent’s deck is better than opponent’s class cards. Deck-specific is relatively stronger and it’s exactly what this card overrules the swashburgler.
The most interesting thing about this card is the Elemental tag. It’s a fairly OK 1 drop, and the deathrattle will help with the priest quest, but it makes me think more about what angle elemental synergy will take – seeing as the power level of elementals are all over the place.
Elementals are probably going to be like Dragons, really powerful but low sinergy in general
The elemental tag is interesting.
The card is good in a vacuum too .
It’s basicly a better bababling book for priest. Arguably babling book is probably a little bit stronger for mage, because you can use it with hero power to pick off 2 mana minions.
Isn’t it crazy to see how priest and rogue are so similar?
It’s similar but very different at the same time. While a rogue gets cards from the class he’s facing, priest literally gets a copy of a specific card that’s in his opponent’s deck. Priest is also not limited to class cards, you could for example steal a Ragnaros (not for long) as a priest but not as a rogue.
Looks like Pavel is playing priest this expansion.
Great… Another card that steals stuff from your opponent’s deck….
Between Drakonid OP, shifting shade, potion of madness, thoughtsteal, cabal shadow priest, shadow madness, and mind control I’m kind of sick of priests just stealing all your cards.
thats one of priest lore themes though, shadow priest and such
… the scummy thieving gits
Makes me quite sulky when they get to use my own Fandral / Druid of the Claw combo against me before I can use it against them (since Thoughtsteal nabs cards that you’ve not drawn yet).
Makes me want to play Warlock Zoo and have a deck full of cheap rubbish.
Well, its better to have priests take card from your deck (which you know more about) than rogues getting random class cards or mages getting random spells imho