Crystal Lion
Crystal Lion is a 6 Mana Cost Rare Paladin Minion card from the Kobolds and Catacombs set!
Card Text
Divine Shield Costs (1) less for each Silver Hand Recruit you control.
Flavor Text
Standard issue recruit gear: 1 silver sword, 1 Lordaeron insignia, 2 bags of crystal kibble.- Mana Cost: 6
- Attack: 5
- Health: 5
- Crafting Cost: 100 / 800 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 20 / 100 (Golden)
- Rarity: Rare
- Class: Paladin
- Card Type: Minion
- Set: Kobolds and Catacombs
- Mechanics: Divine Shield
I think this would be cooler if it was a Silver Lion. Because you need Silver Hand Recruits.
I think it is already cooler because crystal mana cost reduction.
I love hearthstone soms much. It is zo great for a break after studying . These cards of the new expansion look SO dick. Every day I am checking for new card. Every time the art looks SO awesome. To be honest l did not like the dragon rectuit thing for 2/4 and 9 maja bit this loin looks sick. Also to the community love the deck suggestion and argumentation pro and con every card. This game is just such a stress relieve for me!!! <3
You won’t be controlling any SHCs in the Duskbreaker meta though. Nice artwork
besides, having one SHC on the board going into turn five, which is the better tempo play – this or Scalebane? The answer may not surprise you.
So… this is certainly an interesting card. I think you’ll probably get a 5 mana 5/5 or 4 man 5/5 MOST of the time out of this, and with Divine Shield this isn’t a bad card. Maybe they’re trying to make Stan Against Darkness better? I mean, you can pump this out on turn 4, and turn 4 5/5 with Divine Shield is really great tempo. I guess I don’t know why this is rated so highly, and all the other Silver Hand cards are rated badly? Either way, pretty nice, like to see it in Paladin.
May well have a home in Wild where Token Paladin is a serious deck, although even then, is it really impactful enough? In Standard I don’t see this with the card pool revealed so far.
Too sad it only would be good if it was in a Paladin deck.
Its a paladin only card.
No beast tag
That would’ve really helped it, seeing as control pallys often run Curator </3
Probably my all-time favorite art.
Why does Paladin get 4 rare cards?
Maaaybe to early to assess this yet.
Seems like a card that will get better in future expansions.
“Come my recruits, to Narnia!” – random talking lion of the catacombs
Incredibly strong in wild
A weaker version of Thing from Bellow for Pally
Yeah it can be used in Divine shield decks, and depending on the matchup you can have one or two Silver hands to reduce the cost, but only that, 6 mana for a 5/5 is steep with value for the divine shield, but it is just a card with okay value, not enough to justify a Silver Hand deck tough
A 6 mana 5/5 with Divine shield is not terrible plus it has an upside !
HOWEVER Silverhand pally will most likely not be a thing.
Why is this not a beast???????
Because its pretty clearly a magical construct of some sort
Because it’s not a living thing
Now that 1/1 deathrattle paladin kobold that puts 3 SR’s in your hand makes sense.
Still doesn’t though. You have to play all of the recruits first before this thing costs less, and in the meanwhile you have a bunch of useless cards in you have and lost a ton of tempo with that 2 Mana 1/1
the only “good” tempo play in standard is with double lost in the jungle the same turn. Otherwise youre just playing bad cards for little value. Probably won’t see play in standard.
Silverhand Devine Shield paladin?
Wild format
Silver hand regent (3 mana 3/3 inspire- summon a silver hand recruit)
Stand against darkness (5 mana to summon 5)
Lost in the jungle (summon 2 for 1 mana)
Muster to battle (3 mana, summon 3 silverhands, and equip a 1/4)
Justicar Truehart (6 mana 6/3 upgrades hero power to summon 2 silverhands)
Drygulch Jail or (new 2 mana 1/1 add 3 TO YOUR HAND)
SYNERGIES (Not saying these are good, but it’s there)
Steward of darkshire to give 1 health minions divine shield
Hobgoblin to give Drygulch and the silverhands you hold +2+2 on play (not summon, spells won’t work with hobgoblin)
Light fused stegodon for adapting on board silverhands
Secondary synergy (Not direct synergy)
Because of Dry gulch adding 3, 1 mana 1/1
-Questing adventurer (unlikely)
-Hand buff? (Ive had fun (didn’t really climb but had fun) in a hand buff paladin, but I tended tended run out of fuel, having cheap minions added for my Enforcer+Drakkari enchanter turns might make it a low tier, but climb able fun deck)
Divine Shield-adin.
Summon Bolvar
Next turn steward+stand. (Or other way around, this then bolvar, depends on board state around how much you tendedoururnhenhink bolvar can survive)
Alternatively just go hail Mary it from 10 mana
Steward, stand, stegodon, bolvar, competitive spirit cause why not? +this card for big guy
I think you could make a pretty meme-y deck with Silverhand? Recruit? Is this still token?
Either way, I’ve messed with totem shaman after Karazhan came out (hit rank 10), sure this card is no Thing from Below, but for 9 mana, steward+stand+1 mana 5/5?
13/13 stats with 5/5 split across 5 having divine shield?
(Yes that was very situational and probably not that likely to happen… but I got tired of ranking and pretty much started making meme decks for start of seasons)
I’d give it a whirl.
Don’t forget that silver hand pally is a thing in wild with quartermaster and knife juggler.
Stand Against Darkness > Crystal Lion. 6-mana 10/10 worth of stats, that doesn’t completely get destroyed by small AoE. Meh, idk.
I mean, as long as you have two Silver Hand Recruits, it’s a better Chillwind Yeti (and Keeling Banshee). So sure.
a 4th rare for paladin, didn’t expect this
Yeah, what’s that about? Must be a mistake by blizzard
Can someone explain what you all mean with that … 3 Rares under the Paladin class on
Am I missing something?
They fixed it
Another reason to slother silver hand recruits
tempo paladin@@