Colaque is a 7 Mana Cost Legendary Druid Minion Beast card from the Voyage to the Sunken City set!
Card Text
Colossal +1 Immune while you control Colaque's Shell.
Flavor Text
Ten thousand years ago, the city of Zin-Azshari fell to the bottom of the sea... and partially onto Colaque's shell.Colaque Additional Information
Cards Relating to Colaque
Colaque's Shell Type: Minion - Cost: 5 - Health: 8 Taunt Deathrattle: Gain 8 Armor. |
“Have you LOST your mind, Balaque?”
Shame Taunt Druid will only revive his ass.
A big boy. xD Very trouble for Aggro.
At least Mad Alquemist will be on Core Set. xD I love that card.
If Colaque could have had taunt instead of the shell then it would be sweet.
I mean they have released other cards that mostly demand removal, silence or damage spells to deal with so why not ????
Upps was supposed to be a sarcastic smiley and not ?????
A taunt with immune would be broken. Classes like paladin would just die. I’ve also heard that immune works like stealth, removing the taunt until it loses immune.
Hehe yeah, oh didn’t know about the sheath part.
taunt doesn’t work on immune characters – you can still attack face.