Cho’Gall is a 8 Mana Cost Legendary Warlock Minion card from the Whispers of the Old Gods set!
Card Text
Battlecry: The next spell you cast this turn costs Health instead of Mana.
Flavor Text
Even after all this time, Gul'dan still makes Cho'gall go get donuts and coffee.- Mana Cost: 8
- Attack: 8
- Health: 8
- Crafting Cost: 1600 / 3200 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
- Rarity: Legendary
- Class: Warlock
- Card Type: Minion
- Set: Whispers of the Old Gods
- Mechanics: Battlecry
Cho’Gall Additional Information
- If Mal'Ganis is in play and you play Cho’Gall: “You must have enough health to be able to cast the spell, but you would not take any damage from casting the spell.” [Source]
- “It removes armor before health, and armor also factors into if you can cast a spell. At 2 health 5 armor you can cast Siphon Soul.” [Source]
- “You cannot cast a spell from Cho’gall if it would kill you, you cannot pay the health cost.” [Source]
- “If you played Forbidden Flame, you would take 0 damage, then the rest of your mana would be spent on the spell’s effect.” [Source]
Bronzebeard and this? would that make it 2 spells?
Basically if your not lucky with drawing emperor and somehow malygos survives a turn, you could play sho’gall then spreading madness two soulfires and a mortal coil sho’gall:)
It dosen’t work man unfortunately. It is the next spell you cast this turn. A shame really. I wish they would have done it the next spell so you can play some awesome combos.
This card is not demon..
Yes it is
No, it’s not.
it should be!!!
decent value card, 7/7 + free spell (damage to face isn’t going to affect the tempo/board state) 9 mama combo of cho’gall, ancient watcher, and shadow flame as a 9 mana flamestrike + 7/7 in handlock…
How would the “forbidden …” Cards work with this. I know its not warlock class but would it just use all ur health as damage/healing/minion summon and kill you if u dont have malganis?
20 life
Play sho’gall, hellfire (10 damage), wipe, play Molten Giant, GG(?)
to me, play a minion and a free spell at the same turn have a lot of potencial.
I really like this card… A great fit for the Warlock theme, definitely good as well. Plus, mana is more valuable than health, especially with cards like siphon soul.
I just realized how sweet it will be to hit this with an unstable portal on turn 2. Also raven idol to a lesser extent.
I’ll try it Renolock for sure. The Siphon Soul synergy alone is worth it;. Too bad Imp=losion cycles out of standard this would be great with it. And if you are being overwhelmed this is great on turn 7 with Twisting Nether. Follow next turn with Reno and all is good.
How is this good with Twisting nether? You just spent two cards and 8 health for a one mana discount on a pretty bad card.
1. Play Cho’Gall 2. Brewmaster him 3. DOOOOOOM
4. Profit?
But seriously, turn 9 doom for 10 health and draw (probably) a ton of cards in warlock sounds kind of… bad? I’m just not sure what kind of deck this would be good in.
the only thing that would make sense is cho then doom, because if you don’t have twisting nether and their board is full you can’t afford to wait for 3 turns, but i think renolock would make good use of this card since reno jackson can just heal you back up
Looks like a decent Dr. Boom substitute for warlock.
I really find this card interesting, I don’t know if it’s good, but it is interesting, I think this is one of those cards that might spawn a very powerful deck, sort of like what reno did, remember how nobody thought that card was good until it came out and made some decks possible? I don’t know if this is that level but I like it
would be much better if it wasnt a warlock legendary. Warlocks already have like no heal, especially with cards like healbot rotation out. Basically its a 7/7 deal damage to yourself for a card that will probably not be that effective in helping you. only cards that would be could are drain life or siphon soul. Would only work in renolock and even then you would need multiple Emperor discounts to make that work as youre bassically guarenteed to do lots of damage to yourself.
Tl;Dr: card sucks doesnt fit into any current deck dont play
bit to quick of a judgement, but okay… not all cards are released, yes if there isn’t coming out a good healing card cho’gall will probably be bad, also this MUST be a warlock legendary for 2 reasons:
-card goes with the warlock theme, warlock cards are mostly strong cards but with a drawback, this card has a super strong effect of making 1 spell 0 mana, with as drawback getting to pay it in health instead
-in other decks this card could be very strong, with mage it works quite good with flamestrike because it would mean a boardclear + a 7/7. other decks might have lots more healing to to make this card work, so warlock as it is will need to find quite a unique way to give this card a spot in your deck
Also handlock is designed to run low, you throw up some free moltens and taunt them, and against classes with little burn you basically always win in that situation. So the earlier you enable moltens the better, plus the fact that this is pretty much another giant for handlock stats wise, PLUS the fact that bgh is probably getting nerfed, means this card will be awesome
Hes not very awesome
This card is great, I’m very disappointed that it is not a hero. Even if siphon soul seems like the only great free spell for him, that turns him into a 7/7 that blows a dude up. Very strong response to boom, ancients, ragnaros, tyrion, etc. For great board control when they blow they’re mana on one big dude.
So say that SOMEHOW, your warlock was able to get one of the new “forbidden cards” in it’s hand from some random effect…
If you play Cho’Gall, and then follow it up with a”forbidden” card, does it cost 0 health and then subsequently do nothing? Or does it count your health as mana and “spend all” of it in turn killing you?….
He shouldn’t have the “this turn” restriction. It would be useable if it just gave the buff to your next spell you play. That way you could do cool twisting nether + play minions in the same turn plays for massive swing.
Actually – how would this work with Mal’Ganis (in wild) since Mal’Ganis makes your hero invulnerable? Then again, there aren’t really any 4+ cost Warlock spells that you’d want to immediately follow this up with.
Cho’Gall to Shadowflame maybe to instantly splat all enemies for 7 damage from as early as turn 7?
Or perhaps Dark Bargain instead with Fist of Jaraxxus…
Cho’Gall to Syphon Soul?
If it’s in standard play you’ll not even get a benefit to Floating Watcher (GvG). Seems a bit of a gimmick card really which may, at best, only find some kind of situational niche use – depending on what other cards are released with Whispers of the Old Gods of course.
There goes the most interesting idea for a new Warlock hero, straight into a crappy legendary.
Blizzard has really seemed to be hating Warlock recently. Rest assured I’m not wasting any dust on this.
Dreadsteed+CHO’GALL+Doom+Sacrificial pact==> Tons of Cards and Control. It sounds good (Theorycrafting)
this is only good into something that heals you,in renolock i can see this working if you play this into lord jaraxxus or reno jackson as all the life loss just gets healed,also at nine mana you can use jaraxxus ability in the same turn.
The. Next SPELL
it is combo with malygos i think hh… actualy you can have malygos on boeard and burst them down to 0 health cause of your low mana cost spells
mybe it will be good
o fck didnt see next spell….
I think this is pretty strong! This into Lord jaraxxus is really good, or reno, siphon life, one of the gods,..
They are not going to give warlock good cards, only interesting ones.
Cho’Gal + Jaraxxus anyone? You can play Jaraxxus for free as long as you have 10HP+. This alone will make this card fine.
Next spell.
Too much Magic, ok this card sucks.
Has anyone noticed it’s only for this turn? That means the most you can get is drain life without thaurissan tho
There goes my dreams of Cho’Gall being the alt hero skin. They would have been such a good one too, with flavorful emotes
I hope Warlock will get a decent boardclear spell that only hits enemy minions like Flamestrike. Then this card can be pretty good i think. You whipe the enemy board and also have a solid 7-7 on the board. What do you guys think?
I think that would make this card worth playing. Until then, it’s just plain not.
I think that as long as warlock isn’t gonna get either a good board clear or a good healing spell or minion this minion won’t be playable
maybe I’m wrong but this seems pretty decent in renolock
I agree, it helps you get your giants out a lot earlier if the game is going slow enough.
Otherwise it’s good in tandem with Siphon Soul; Pay 7, 2 cards, lose 3, get a 7/7, destroy a minion.
I see it more on level with Voljin, sorta like a utility that’s just decent rather than outright crazy or deck-defining.
This + Twisting Nether if you are far behind
Why would you play this + twisting nether. Why don’t you keep Cho’Gall and play twisting nether?
thats on turn 7 or 6 if the opponent’s board is full
why not use DOOM! instead … if you’re gonna go kill yourself with 8 dmg , you can use it for 10 and get a bunch of cards
If you need to kill off your own 7/7 and take 8 damage just to get a 1 mana cost reduction on twisting nether, I feel like that would already be a lost game.
so instead of waiting 1 turn to play 1 card for 8 mana you play it instantly, using up 2 cards and taking 8 damage… I don’t think this card works with twisting nether
thats one expansive ‘flamestrike’ XD
Umm… How does this work with forbidden spells? Do you just die?
Good question, I’ll try to find out.
Forbidden spells are 0-cost, so they still spend your mana. Spending your mana is part of their power, it is not their cost.
You were right:
Cho’Gall + Siphon Soul is the only real use I can think of, and that’s pretty good I think. Is it worth playing Cho’Gall? Well….I dunno.
This plus Lord Jaraxxus seems pretty impressive.
Its time for miracle warlock ?
play this + gadgetzan = classy concede
Play this into -10 hp, 10 minion board when already 8 card hand doom, burn 6 cards, laugh and concede.
3 bad cards all in one day, amazing. Shit man this card makes Wilfred Fizzlebang look good.
Any time you can cheat mana you really need to look at a card.
This can be a 7/7 body attached to a 6 mana innervate into siphon. That amount of tempo makes up for bgh vulnerability.
Also, we lose our 7-drop in warlock, guys. This is something you can do on 7.
So? This card only work with siphon. Wilfred Wizzlebang its better, 8 mana plus ANY card (random) costing 0 for 2 suicide damage
That isn’t better.
This lets you play based on what is in your hand. You could draw anything with wilfred (can’t plan it because random in most cases) and the body is infinitely worse. Also, that’s 8 mana. A big point of this card is that it’s 7 (we no longer have anything to do on turn 7. It matters).
It works with more than just siphon.
With siphon you get something incredibly strong. With dark bomb you got a 7/7 with an innervate attached in warlock.
Mana cheating is better than you think, but the body does matter. Wilfred is a terrible body as a 4/4 on turn 6 or 8 while a 7/7 isn’t that bad on 7, especially in comparison. Wilfred is not better because the body is irrelevant.
i miss Mal Ganis already. weeps.
Really fits with Warlock’s theme… This into Shadowflame could be strong (albeit quite costly, since it takes 2 cards and 4 health).
Aside from that, it has minor synergy with Floating Watcher, and can be used to pull out a Doom/Twisting Nether if you NEED the board clear and don’t have quite enough mana (though that’s a lot of health down the drain…)
This is really really good I think. Anytime you can get mana for life it’s worth looking at. I can play him on turn 7 and immediately cast the warlock card murder a creature and gain 3 life spell the same turn.
siphen soul
I can’t think of many cards I’m excited to combo with this. But it’s a cool card that will get better as new spells come out. This card may one day be broken in wild. But for now it’s just a wargolem body with a meh ability.
How does this work. With brann? You just get it once because ir says next right? Either way, this seems pretty weak to me. The spells that I would want to pay health for would be cards like doom and other boars clears because then I could play things after. I would be much happier if this was a spell or was cheaper with smaller stats, like a 3/3 for 4
Yes finally i can play a legendary and play doom for 10 life. Genius
So, at a high cost of health, Doom can actually be effective. Hell, even Twisting Nether can be used!
Yes, and then kill the 7/7… Genius
Twisting Nether or Doom would kill him for 1-3 less mana and 8-10 suicide damage, it’s only useful for imp losion or some kind of strange-buff-demon deck, I think, at least for now, Of course
Worst than Fizzlebang, I think…
a 7/7 for 7 with an IMMEDIATE effect battlecry, is better then a 4/4 for 6, that does nothing immediately.
Ad to the fact that it’s not hard to build synergy with Cho’Gall, an dfizzlebang can just be rubbish
Cho Gal only works with siphon Of soul… Frizzlebang gives you a extra random card from your deck costing 0 with 8 mana…
Maybe some kind of All new – All diferent combo Warlock?
That would be a cool Idea… if he was a demon :b
Maybe with yogg saron lock deck..