Celestial Projectionist

Celestial Projectionist Card

Celestial Projectionist is a 2 Mana Cost Rare Neutral Minion card from the TITANS set!

Card Text

Battlecry: Choose a friendly minion. Add a temporary copy of it to your hand.

Flavor Text

What if we're not really here, y'know? What if we're all just, like, projections in the mind of some cosmic entity? How would we know?

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  1. Bisalissy
    July 16, 2023 at 9:14 PM

    Power Chord: Sychronize for everyone.
    What could possibly go wrong?

  2. GigYretsym
    July 14, 2023 at 6:42 PM

    Versatile, because School Teacher exist, Foul Egg exist, The One-Amalgam Band exist, Party Animal exist, Titans exist, Aszhara exist, Reno Cards exist, Secret Mage Minions exist… OP! 6 star card.