Call of the Grave
Call of the Grave is a 1 Mana Cost Epic Priest Spell card from the United in Stormwind set!
Card Text
Discover a Deathrattle minion. If you have enough Mana to play it, trigger its Deathrattle.
Call of the Grave is a 1 Mana Cost Epic Priest Spell card from the United in Stormwind set!
Discover a Deathrattle minion. If you have enough Mana to play it, trigger its Deathrattle.
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I think they misspelled: “7 Mana 6/6. Taunt. Battlecry and Deathrattle: restore 8 health to all friendly characters.”
Instant addition to any kind of value Reno priest and a solid substitute of Renew. After all, 1 mana is a bid deal for cheap spells (1-3 mana).
You usually would either wait for Turn 4 or 7 to play Call of the Grave, if you were to activate the Deathrattle effect, but even with just creating one from random creation should be good enough. Just be weary that you are also forced to not use minions that can damage yourself, or have some form of way to give you a disadvantage.
I would say to play this as a Midrange Style Priest, Along with Question, so that way you can have the maximum advantage of getting the Purified Shard.
5 Stars, even.
Interesting card – you get resource generation AND the instant deathrattle trigger all in one.
But I’m not sure how many good deathrattles you could discover as priest. Here’s a list of the good deathrattles you could get off this card : shadowed spirit, lightshower elemental, rustsworn inquisitor, nerubian egg, death’s head cultist, devouring ectoplasm, explosive sheep.
But out of those good deathrattles, about half of them pursue a control-oriented playstyle(lightshower, death’s head cultist) while everything else pursues an aggro-oriented playstyle. You’d be very lucky to find just the right deathrattle for your situation.
Now, let’s talk about the bad deathrattles you could get : darkspear berserker, teron gorefiend, rustsworn initiate, sneaky delinquent, fishy flyer, smug senior, scrapyard colossus, plagued protodrake(I included the expensive deathrattles because you would usually not have enough mana to play them and trigger the deathrattle effect).
More than 50% of the deathrattles are bad, and 25% of the remaining deathrattles would not suit your game plan. Therefore, only about 25% of the 3 cards you discover can potentially be useful. 1.5/5
Talking about wild, this can’t be 1.5/5 on a N’Zoth priest. I’d say at least 3 stars in value oriented decks (also those not including N’Zoth) and easily 4.5 stars with N’Zoth. We all know at this point how powerful is discovering as mechanic, even more if it’s cheap. Yep you can get bad options from time to time but in the long run discovering cards are more than solid.
I think you’re mostly thinking of discovering spells, in which case you can only discover class cards with, and class cards are usually better than neutral cards.
This, on the other hand, can also discover neutral cards, which floods the discover pool with poor options.
Mmmm I can already see a shadow deathrattle priest deck coming with this, Benedictus, Gandling and Shadowed spirit, can’t wait !!
Blizzard: “we’re gonna print less Discover!”
Priest: oh yeah?
Seems people do not understand yet how toxic the discover mechanic really is.
That is… interesting. It’s power level will be somewhat dependent on the card pool, of course, but the low cost means it’ll usually be very worthwhile. What makes it particularly intriguing is that, unusually, it is a cheap card whose power should increase through most of the game, and is always worst played on turn 1.
Thank N’Zoth that we no longer have Convincing Infiltrator or annoying priest deathrattles. Just Lightshower, Shadowed Soul, and that pesky prime generator Reliquary of Souls. Too bad spamming any of those deathrattles would be irritating. Good for shadow priest decks to get healing if they take shadow form hero power builds.
It’s not discover Priest only minion, so the pool added from neutral is quite big.