Brrrloc is a 2 Mana Cost Common Shaman Minion Murloc card from the Knights of the Frozen Throne set!
Card Text
Battlecry: Freeze an enemy.
Brrrloc is a 2 Mana Cost Common Shaman Minion Murloc card from the Knights of the Frozen Throne set!
Battlecry: Freeze an enemy.
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It’s a murloc and a freeze in the same card. That’s the important thing. in a murloc deck u wouldn’t play glacial shard because it isn’t a murloc but this is.
Ice Breaker synergies
…Eh. Why is this a 2/2 when Glacial Shard is a 2/1?
Don’t see the point of paying an extra Mana for the freeze, and at the current time I don’t think going all in on Freeze is a good idea.
Frost Shock and Glacial Shard are better cards than this for Moo combo, and I’d rather not pay 5 mana for weapon combo.
I don’t think this is good enough for a Murloc deck. Murlocs have a healthy number of 2 drops and I wouldn’t replace them with this.
Love the name, at least.
It doesn’t compare very well to Glacial Shard, but Glacial Shard is really good and Shaman is obviously going for some serious freeze synergy, so perhaps this will work. Honestly, I doubt this will do much, but there’s something interesting there, at least.
Wish thrall hero card had some freeze synergies
This card works well with the shaman quest as it’s a murloc and it slows the opponent down for you to control the board with the constant rain of murlocs being played.
who’s care about status and ability. his name is enough for reason.
5/5 for the name
The real questions is do you play a 2 mana 2/2 that freezes or a 2 mana 2/2 murloc? The murloc deck has better options than that and if you want to freeze something with a minion you have Glacial Shard.
I’m assuming people are putting this at 4 stars because of the name alone.
This card actually has a lot of cool synergies to it. As you said it is a murloc, and benefits from the stuff that helps them. It’s an early game freeze, and can help you build up even more murlocs instead of having to trade into your opponents board before you can drop something like warleader. It’s a good evolve tartget seeing as he comes with a useful battlecry. And the freeze can be comboed with cards like the new weapon and legendary. and if you’re building freeze strategies, having both this and glacial shard seems like a must.
Yea, I guess if you need a critical mass of freeze effects it makes the cut, whether that’s a real deck or not remains to be seen.
5 stars, mostly for the name..
great, now we have another freeze class like mages weren’t annoying enough
It should be frozen when summoned
Freeze can be tilting, but I don’t personally find it such annoying mechanic.
It’s not a freaking murloc?
Missing the Murloc tag on the card’s picture ? :p
Where is the “Murloc” typing?
Seems good.
Indeed. Plus its very cute.