Bog Slosher
Bog Slosher is a 3 Mana Cost Rare Shaman Minion card from the Rastakhan's Rumble set!
Card Text
Battlecry: Return a friendly minion to your hand and give it +2/+2.
Flavor Text
It's the bane of freshly mopped floors everywhere.- Mana Cost: 3
- Attack: 3
- Health: 3
- Crafting Cost: 100 / 800 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 20 / 100 (Golden)
- Rarity: Rare
- Class: Shaman
- Card Type: Minion
- Set: Rastakhan's Rumble
- Mechanics: Battlecry, Buff Minion, Return to Hand
Bog Slosher Card Review
I see a lot of people mentioning Shudderwock Shaman when talking about this card, but I’m honestly not sure why. Right now you don’t want to play it over Grumble or Zola, and after the rotation the archetype is dead in water anyway, because it loses both Grumble and a way to duplicate Shudderwock in the first place (Saronite Chain Gang). Not to mention that Youthful Brewmaster performs basically the same role, because you don’t really care about +2/+2 on your Shudder that much.
But I do think that this card has potential, more as a value play, but also with a bit of tempo swing potential. You see, bouncing a minion back to your hand is really a negative tempo. But there are some minions which not only benefit from it, but also can take a solid advantage of the buff. Saronite Chain Gang I’ve already mentioned is one of them. You can bounce a single 2/3 Taunt, and then replay it as a 2x 4/5 Taunt for 4 mana next turn. Any kind of card with Charge, Rush, Divine Shield or Taunt can benefit from that buff. For example, later in the game, you can drop Zilliax, kill something, bounce it back and replay it as a 5/4 next turn.
It also works nicely on cheap minions with Battlecries, e.g. Witch's Apprentice – for 5 mana, you can play Witch’s Apprentice, bounce it and replay it again – you get 2 random Shaman spells, a 3/3 and a 2/3 Taunt. Pretty solid value play and not a very bad tempo play.
I think that the minion has some potential in Midrange Shaman archetype, not a Shudderwock deck, but something that can benefit from replaying Battlecry etc. minions, especially a deck running some Elemental synergies (since this card is an Elemental too).
Card rating: 7/10
Crazy that this is currently only 3.9/5. 3/3 for 3 not bad, then has synergies with plenty of strong battlecry cards and is a stud in elemental Shaman (which has many strong battlecries to begin with).
Heal yourself, happy ghoul -> this -> happy ghoul
3/3 + 5/5 for 3 mana, if you self healed
The only thing that’s going to prevent this from seeing play is the prevalence of Even Shaman as the dominant class archetype. (And I’d argue that we’re already close to the point where there are enough powerful odd cards to give up the benefit of Genn.)
As other people have said, the worst case is that it bounces a totem and you can play it again as a 2/4 for 1. That’s the worst case. Beyond that, you have any number of useful battlecry cards… Chain Gang has been mentioned, but I’ll gladly bounce a Stonehill Defender, Nimbus, or Witch’s Apprentice. There’s nothing revolutionary about using this to bounce something like a Firefly or a Fungalmancer, but it’s still a good deal. It has synergy with Shudderwock, Electra, Grumble, Al-Akir, Kalimos… it’s nothing special with Kragwa, but if Kragwa turns out to be strong, I don’t think anyone will mind being able to bounce it.
(Personally, I’m looking forward to playing it with Ghost Light Angler… but I have problems.)
I could also see a recursion-based token shaman-style deck with some combination of this, Grumble, Hagatha, etc. Load up on battlecries, use taunts and mass removal to keep aggro from overwhelming you. You either exhaust the opponent, or you get a few minions on the board and slap down Bloodlust.
Yes, the similarity to Youthful Brewmaster is there — but this costs only 1 more, and it’s like a Brewmaster with an Earthen Might attached to it. (Literally, in the case of Menacing Nimbus.) Too much value here for it not to see play.
I love it!!!
People keep complaining about losing a 2/3 but then say the +2/+2 does nothing. This is a 3/3, you can have two in a deck, it’s cheaper to craft and it has better synergy than zola, such as saronite and elemental buffs. Plus it buffs shudderwock to an 8/8.
At the very least, this is a zola more consistent to draw.
EXACTLY!! God you’re a GENUIS (no sarcasm intended). Finally someone understands what I’ve been saying
How long can this go on? How long can this go on? How long…? MY JAWS THAT BITE! MY CLAWS THAT CATCH!
All these autists trying to convince everyone how bad it is, because they are salty about the good rating.
Cute. Can’t wait until it doesn’t see play in shudderwock like everyone thinks
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
My main deck is shudderwock
And this card is a far superior version to zora. The more chances you have to restart your combo more chances to win
Wise words from a wise person
Your main deck is shudderwock? That is not something you want to share.
Damn normal guy your comment made my day ???
He drags you under….
Then you come back stronger.
To everyone who says this card is bad, you clearly don’t see the way this will break the game…
This+Wisp=3 mana summon 2 3/3=beyond broken
Ok, let´s compare.
Chain gang was played, one undamaged 2/3 survived. Board state: 2/3 taunt.
Zola + play golden Chain Gang, 7 mana: 2/3 taunt + 2/3 taunt + 2/3 taunt + 2/2.
Bog Slosher + bounce Chain Gang and replay it, 7 mana: 4/5 taunt + 4/5 taunt + 3/3 taunt.
Zola offers 8/11 total stats across four bodies.
Bog Slosher offers 11/13 total stats across three bodies.
What´s better? Hard to tell and depends on the board state. If having hand size issues can block your combo before playing Shudderwock, getting rid of an additional card and bouncing it instead might actually be better. Also if the chain gang battlecry triggers after the buff, all the Shudderwocks remaining on the board will be 8/8s instead of 6/6s.
Decks that would be interested in playing Bog Slosher are either Elemental decks or Shudderwock combo decks. This could also be used to replay a Keleseth, but that seems a little too circumstantial, at least less than using Shadowstep for the same thing.
In elemental decks, this can continue the elemental chain in exchange for taking a few stats off the board temporarily, and the +2/+2 really isn’t adding anything to the card other than making whatever most likely smaller minion targeted by this have stats that would be fair on the turn it would most likely be replayed. It seems okay, but nothing super exciting there.
With Shudderwock decks, I can see them being fine with playing this on a Saronite Chain Gang or some other value Battlecry before they play Shudderwock to increase the chances of it working properly.
It should do something with its time in Standard.
as far as you would care when playing this, its a 3 mana youthful brewmaster.
+2/2 and one more health isn’t very impactful since you would be playing this to replay a powerful battlecry but it might be good in an elemental deck as the extra stats push tempo so I have to give it 2/5 overall even tho elemental shaman probably won’t work
The extra stats don’t give you tempo. Remember you lose a minion from the board before replaying it
I fail to see how this card could become relevant. It returns the minion to your hand instead of copying it. It doesn’t even reduce its cost. Its stats are average.
Buffing saronite implies that the enemy couldn’t kill it, not to mention that using this bad card just for 1 synergy isn’t enough to make it worth including.
Shudderwock doesn’t need this, even shaman can’t play it. Elemental decks need to put minions out every turn, not take them back. Meh.
Card is gonna be beyond broken. Wait a month.
Give me a reason it will be, I stated mine
Any retard could find a way to fail at making something work, gj i guess.
Shudderwock. Thats your reason
How about the less-exciting, but not non-existent value in just bouncing a dead totem back to your hand, giving you a 3/3 and a 2/2 minion for 4 mana.
this is actually legit awesome. a 1 mana totem which you might need later on for spell damage, healing, or taunt is pretty legit. also, if you take a 1/1 it’s a 1 mana 3/3 which is actually a legit great card
Overrated. A little better than Youthful Brewmaster, and how much play does that card see? You normally pay mana to put minions into play from your hand; doing the opposite is a huge tempo loss. This doesn’t compare to Zola, which puts a minion in your hand without removing it from the board.
Youthful brewmaster sees little play but it itself is a 2/5 card, I think this is a step up at 3/5
what about battlecry value? combos? elemental synergy?
There’s value alright, kind of like how Rogue’s Pickpocket card is bursting with value. Just like Pickpocket though, it’s too much of a tempo loss to be a good card.
For a tempo play – you can combo this with cheap rush or charge minion (like deckhand or scalehide) and get very good tempo swing. same as quest rogue is bouncing cheap minions.
Are you retarded? This is better than Zola 5/5
This on Saronite is very strong.
Such a great card, has decent body and Elemental tag, has return to hand effect that buffs,
and has great battlecry synergy. perfect card for Shaman.
5/5 love the shaman class so happy
Yeah same
yeah yeah more shudder nonsense but other than that its an excellent elemental shaman tool. getting a second kalimos or servant can be massive value all.around great card itll see play garaunteed 5/5
A) If it was great for the reasons you stated, we would play the even better youtful brewmaster already. You can ecen play brew on turn 10 WITH kalimos
B) Wont see play in eleshaman because elemental shaman is a bad deck not seeing play
EAXCTLY!! See this guy is smart
Right now this is scary and it will be played with shudderwock but after rotation it will be a buffer support due to the hit shudderwock will take when all those good battlecries rotate out.
So ATM it’s a dangerous card but only have to wait the 4 months and it will balance back.
Btw anyone who doesn’t notice this right off 2 fire plumes played at any time plus cards like saronite and doppleganger. Play shudderwock turn 10 this becomes a 1 cost use on shudderwock.
GG you now have infinate shudderwock especially if played this twice just in case.
F you blizzard game designer for giving more fukerwock synergy_|_ If Shudderwock shaman becomes a tier one and popular deck I’ma drop the game
I can’t see how this will improve the annoying Shudderwock combo we all know and hate. All battlecries improve Shudderwock, but as long as it doesn’t improve that infinite loop I’m okay with it.
It buffs them from 6/6 to 8/8
Good, I hope Shuddderwock becomes Tier 1
Turn 2: Prince Keleseth
Turn 3: Bog Slosher on Keleseth
Turn 4 + Coin: Keleseth + 2nd Bogslosher
-> Easy triple Keleseth concede.
Yeah, getting or drawing keleseth and bog slosher by turn 3 and then a second slasher at turn 4 while also starting second sounds super realistic.
Triple Keleseth happened before in Rogue, so it can happen in Shaman. Double Keleseth will definitely become more than a rare sight, if this card will be included. Not exactly looking forward to this bs…
Shadowstep allows Keleseth to be played in the same turn. Relying on Bog Slosher to replay Keleseth is far, far more inconsistent with it needing to survive a turn.
Turn 1 Glacial
Turn 2 Keleseth
Turn 3 this.
Why Glacial Shard on one?
He must really want that sweet sweet freeze face BM value.
It’s a better Zola in Shudderwock that gives Shuddderwock +2/2 and returns it to your hand instead of just returning it to your hand without a stat buff. Not to mention better stats, as Zola is a 3-mana 2/2 and Bog Slosher is a 3-mana 3/3 and is an Elemental so it has extreme synergy in Shaman.
Remember that Zola leaves the minion on the board and copies it. This does not…
Doesn’t matter, Bog Slosher in so many ways. Does Zola have Elemental synergy? Does it have better stats? Can it do basically the same thing? Bog Slosher can prevent the death of a minion while Zola cannot.
It’s not a better zola dude. If SW never gets a copy from chain and gets target by this you spend another 9 mana next turn
Ok, let´s compare.
Chain gang was played, one undamaged 2/3 survived. Board state: 2/3 taunt.
Zola + play golden Chain Gang, 7 mana: 2/3 taunt + 2/3 taunt + 2/3 taunt + 2/2.
Bog Slosher + bounce Chain Gang and replay it, 7 mana: 4/5 taunt + 4/5 taunt + 3/3 taunt.
Zola offers 8/11 total stats across four bodies.
Bog Slosher offers 11/13 total stats across three bodies.
What´s better? Hard to tell and depends on the board state. If having hand size issues can block your combo before playing Shudderwock, getting rid of an additional card and bouncing it instead might actually be better. Also if the chain gang battlecry triggers after the buff, all the Shudderwocks remaining on the board will be 8/8s instead of 6/6s.
The first shudderwock can’t target itself with this.
Um, no, you’re wrong. Even if I am wrong it’s still better than Zola since the SW’s are 8/8s instead of 6/6s and you can put two of them in to increase the chances of the buff before Grumble’s effect. Zola isn’t really needed anyway since Grumble will just bounce the SW back and Bog Slosher is a better alternative because you have a greater board presence and pressure with a 3-mana 3/3 and 2x 4/5s instead of just a 2/2 and 2x 2/3s which is SIGNIFICANTLY better for tempo which is what you need in a Shuddderwock deck.
Oh god, insane in Shudderwock, copy one saronite chain gang for another saronite battlecry, and 2x 4/5 for 4 mana.