Blackwater Cutlass
Blackwater Cutlass is a 1 Mana Cost Common Rogue Weapon card from the Deadmines set!
Card Text
Tradeable After you Trade this, reduce the cost of a spell in your hand by (1).
Blackwater Cutlass is a 1 Mana Cost Common Rogue Weapon card from the Deadmines set!
Tradeable After you Trade this, reduce the cost of a spell in your hand by (1).
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I got nothing bad to say about this. It’s 5 Stars for how Versatile it is.
1 mana for Draw/Trade or 1 for 4 damages or 1 for reduce spell are already good.
1 for reduce spell + draw/trade is great.
1 mana For “Choose one of the following choice” is excellent.
1 card for nearly-infinite-reducing-spell and/or draw-trade and/or 4 face damage is like… busted.
And who doesn’t like sword and treasure art!
Damn rogue!
Or… Am I high or something ??
Nope, this weapon is too good. Draw early and it’s better than hero power to eliminate threat.
Draw late, and it’s a discount tools, or end game damage to face.
Perfect for Garrote Rogue. but sadly, the temporary spell damage has been fixed.
So, Garrote Rogue will discount it’s Shadowsteps to -1? Don’t think that works. And Octobot is already a much better discounter. What would you cut to make room for this card in Garrote Rogue? The list is pretty tight. Don’t see this one making it.
I don’t know why you have to include Shadowstep in this, but it’s obvious it will not discount an already 0 card mana cost, and there’s a bunch of spells can be discounted.
And Octobot requires at least 2 things, a damage trigger, and few cards in hand to be efficient.
This card is not. so at least you can swap a few cards to better damage your opponent rather than adding like Pen Flingers.
But this is just a theory.
I don’t understand your enthusiasm… 1 mana to reduce the cost of a random spell in hand by (1) is useless… Even with an “additionnal” draw which is not since you have to draw the weapon first. This doesn’t do anything to me