Beastmaster Leoroxx
Beastmaster Leoroxx is a 8 Mana Cost Legendary Hunter Minion card from the Ashes of Outland set!
Card Text
Battlecry: Summon 3 Beasts from your hand.
Beastmaster Leoroxx is a 8 Mana Cost Legendary Hunter Minion card from the Ashes of Outland set!
Battlecry: Summon 3 Beasts from your hand.
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This is one of the most overrated and overhyped cards in the entire expansion. Throughout history, slow, OTK hunter builds never quite worked until DK came out. Zuljin is nowhere near the value generator that DK is, and Hunter doesn’t have the adequate healing to survive DH at all… Maybe in wild this could work with the Big Recruit Beast Hunter, but in standard that’s a big NO for me.
The Beasts is here. 5 Stars.
lmao are u rating every card 5 stars
Surprisingly enough, no. I’ve done a whole bunch of 4 Stars.
I’m not sure this is going to be any good. The easiest comparison I see from this card is to the boomship. The boomship costed 1 more and didn’t come with a 5/5, but it had immediate board presence with rush and also had no restrictions on the cards it would summon. Sure, hunter can cheat out multiple king krushes with all of its beast copying, but reliably drawing both king krush and this is going to be very inconsistent considering that hunter doesn’t have stitched tracker anymore and is also losing masters call in the wild rotation. admittedly this card is good in wild but most people are rating it with mainly standard in consideration. I just think it won’t work given that warrior was much better at control and surviving late and the boomship still wasn’t great. I give this a 2/5; it will see experimentation early but will eventually fade out once people realize this card isn’t that good
Okay so I’m the only one who thinks this is too slow and doesn’t fit Hunter’s playstyle? I can’t imagine a Hunter deck where I have the time to build a ‘combo’ with this. And yeah I know that Kathrena Hunter existed. But that mainly worked because of deathrattle synergies.
Time will tell and we will see.
Why hello there big beast Hunter appreciates you showing up.
Auto include with deathstalker rexar for wild. Also in wild if the cards had rush or charge effect for the turn at 10 Mana you can use revenge of the wild to bring the beasts back after smashing them if needed.
This can als be good in wild with Deathstalker Rexxar, two hero powers of the most expensive/overstated beasts, + king Crush or Tundra rhino, and you’re good to go (face)
I am the Leoroxx, and I speak for the beasts
Mmmh leoroxx + thunders rhyno + gazrilla + 2x rapid fire + king Krush is 24 + 2 + 8 dmg in 1turn
Of course you can hand buff them to deal with 1 to 2 taunt If your gazrilla is big enough
Can swap king Krush with grotesque dragonhawk for the wind fury
Yeah this can pull of many fun combos, such as first play Emeriss and on the next round play this with two Charged Devilsaur and a King Krush in hand.
Will give two 14/14 and a 16/16, can end the game in most cases.
(Talking about wild)
Seems Broken!
Its Like Kathrena Winterwisp but much faster, King Krush back to the meta.
suppose you have in hand Tundra Reno and some Savana High manes…
Bruh hunter is busted 5/5 stars
Scavenger’s ingenuity —> king Krush —> double hunting party —> leoroxx —> rank 1 legend
Can’t wait to try
crafting leoroxx first chance i get. There’s also Ramkahen Wildtamer that can work well to copy king rush. It’s like the 0 mana king krush deck but with like 3 combo cards
i forsee some king crush antics with this card in wild