Bad Luck Albatross
Bad Luck Albatross is a 3 Mana Cost Rare Neutral Minion Beast card from the Descent of Dragons set!
Card Text
Deathrattle: Shuffle two 1/1 Albatross into your opponent's deck.
Flavor Text
Legend holds that it's bad luck to harm it. So maybe just pat it on the head, okay?- Mana Cost: 3
- Attack: 4
- Health: 3
- Crafting Cost: 100 / 800 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 20 / 100 (Golden)
- Rarity: Rare
- Class: Neutral
- Card Type: Minion
- Minion Type: Beast
- Set: Descent of Dragons
- Mechanics: Add to Deck, Deathrattle
weasel priest 2 : Electric Boogaloo
Playing as a priest:
Turn 3: Bad luck albatross
Turn 4 (or 3 with coin): Embalming ritual on albatross giving it reborn. Shadow Figure on Albatross
Turn 5: Psychopomp ressurecting an Albatross.
Turn 6: Vivid Nightmare Albatross with reborn.
Turn 7: Wertched Reclaimer Albatross and/or Power Word: Replicate Albatross
Turn 8: Catrina Muerte ressurecting an Albatross
Turn 9: Mass Ressuction
Easy legend 100% win!
Opponent plays Wyrmrest Purifier and then emote spams Thank You.
And then you spam “Thank you” back when your opponent resurrects a Wyrmrest Purifier.
Am I the only person who wants to make a meme deck with this, nine lives, dire frenzy, masters calls, maybe the beast copier and the deathrattle double and augemented elekk? Only issue is the amount of 3 drops the deck would want would make the curve weird. But I’m still doing it.
Please tell me that it is a reference to Coleridge and the Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner.
Apart from that, I really really like the concept behind this card, but I am not convinced it is worth it. Let’s all remember that Bomb warrior was already a counter to highlander decks, and yet none started playing bomb cards to counter it. I think that this card could be used only in some midrange hunter deck, but not good enough to see play elsewhere, and even in hunter it will struggle a lot to find a place in highlander hunter or something else.
Besides Highlander your opponent have basically 2 dead draws. So in the long run this card draws 2 cards besides good states and mess with highlander 4.5/5
I am starting to feel like midrange hunter may have a shot this expansion
That’s what I’m excited about! Especially with birds and ravens for me! Face hunter might even make a comeback looking at all the hero power cards and the leper gnome quest
So I’ll just call it before hand if this goes big in new set all the warlocks will probably run a Rafaam and the pallies will run Prince Liam.
I’m surprised nobody remembers Liam but someone may make a deck for it if this gets big.
*weasel noises*
Yay more birds! This is a great arena card. Hunter might wanna run this as it can take beast synergies and provides a way to disrupt decks trying to draw their win condition, 7/10
pretty nice. Effectively just making your opponent go through a 1 Mana 1/1 in their hand, and they usually don’t want it. Yeah, I can see some players legit using this. 4 Stars.
It seems like just a cute card until you realize it deactivates Highlander decks (temporarily), and still has use against non-highlander decks by mucking up their draws. And 3/4/3 are good stats for a tech card.
Normally I don’t think techs are as popular as people suspect they’ll be, but the fact that it has good stats and still has an upside against other decks is actually pretty remarkable.
Not just Highlander it can also screw with someone trying to use mechathun deck but interrupting Highlander is probably biggest nuisance. This would be a really annoying card for a quest pally since you could potentially toss at least 8 1/1 minions into opponents deck possibly more if opponent doesn’t get it off the board. Could troll with rogue as well using the shadow on it so 3 more get summoned straight from you deck. Overall it’s a meme card that has tech uses similar to meme loading opponents deck with weasels.
This is not troll. You basically draw 2 in the long run since your opponent has 2 turns without drawing anything except a useless albatross. This is not only a tech card but a value card for control while control always lacking on 3 drops. It’s awesome
You don’t get the meaning of troll do you running this and then using a few other tricks to keep *cloning* the card to trigger it’s effect even more can create a very annoying situation for opponent and building around an idea to specifically do that.
Trolling can involve doing something repeatedly with the sole purpose of being annoying. Example is that are we there yet are we there yet questioning. By that reasoning if build a deck specifically around putting multiple copies of this or triggering multiple times it’s trolling. If you’ve seen a weasel tunneler deck that’s basically trolling since it’s only purpose is to load more and more weasels.
Yaeh I think you got my point wrong. I totally agree that you can troll with this card like with weasels. In my opinion weasel was a troll card because it was kind of funny/stupid but on average a deck with weasels can’t hold up with normal meta decks.
I do not think that Albatross is a troll/meme card because I see this card including in meta control decks just for the value but not for decks build around this. I would add 2 of them in a control warlock without more synergie to it.
So I think this is not troll because IMO this becomes a good card in meta decks.
Weasel Tunneler is back, boys. Except it actually looks good as a tech card vs Highlander. I think it’s an above average 3-drop, Beast tag included.
So basically a card that can screw over everyone except warlock if they’re holding Rafaam. In that case you would just be helping warlocks. But this would put a damper on resurecting priests loading they’re hand with cards don’t want to play.
I guess that’s why they made Wyrmrest Purifier
This can mess up highlander decks pretty badly in case they ever get so strong that counterplay is needed. That being said I like that this card can be put in many decks since it’s a solid 3 mana 4/3. A very well desinged card and I love the flavor too.
With all the Deathrattle triggers that at least exist in wild, this can be a huge pain in the ass. xD
Rouge and Hunter can easily toss in 10 of these f**kers into your deck.
A really interesting card, may afflict prejudice in your opponents deck, specially the draws and has good base stats. 4/5.
Basically Weasel tunneller, but then not “infinite”. Has good potential, because it can completely mess up your opponents draws, even more so with Augmented Ellek, or the shaman quest.
its deathrattle shamans quest only effects battlecrys
otherwise yes it would be super broken