Aviana is a 9 Mana Cost Legendary Druid Minion card from the Caverns of Time set!
Card Text
Your minions cost (1).
Flavor Text
Call her "Tweety". She'll find it real funny. I PROMISE.- Mana Cost: 9
- Attack: 5
- Health: 5
- Crafting Cost: 1600 / 3200 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
- Rarity: Legendary
- Class: Druid
- Card Type: Minion
- Set: Caverns of Time
- Mechanics: Change Cost
Aviana Additional Information
- When Aviana is on the board and Emperor Thaurissan triggers it will make all minons affected cost 0. If Aviana is removed from the board, all minions will revert back to Emperor Thaurissan‘s cost.
- If Aviana comes onto the board AFTER Emperor Thaurissan, she makes minions cost 1. Once Emperor Thaurissan procs again, they then cost 0.
aviana plus the twig of the world tree proc 🙂
Keep in mind all these people above didn’t know the possibility of kun
So naive
I mean below
Aviana + 2x innervate on turn ten means brann + Y’Shaarj+ Dark arakoa + Rag. the firelord + C’thun. Then a card is pulled on the board by Y’shaarj and that can be Sylvana’s. Then you hear a growling DIE INSECT and the already crying opponent is made almost dead…He doesnt want to play any card and concedes….
The +3+3 from d arakoa is doubled twice and means +12+12 on then end of the same turn!
Aviana, yes please!
5/5 with nine mana. NOPE 😛
Turn 10 Aviana + innervate + ragnaros + yzera + dr.boom
This card’s not goin to see another turn!
If you have a hand full of high cost minions on Turn 7+ and are not dead, you are not playing Hearthstone. I might be wrong, but I don’t see this being any good.
Honestly i think the mana cost is too high for the porpose of this card
So let me get this right, you play this at 10 (or Innervate it out at 8 or whatever) and Cenarius will cost 1? You will then have a 5/5 and a 5/8 plus the 2 Treants or a 6/6 Aviana and Cenarius on board.
This card is insane!
If It lives one turn or you can like protect on turn 10 with like a sludge belcher or something it’ll be insane. But that is why it is a 5/5 it have like uber taunt on it, it is your opponents number one priority at that point, kill Aviana or win the game
if this lives a turn, there s gonna be a board full of 8,9,10 drops without even breaking a sweat. but that s not likely….hopefully