
Artanis Card

Artanis is a 7 Mana Cost Legendary Druid, Mage, Priest, Rogue Hero card from the Heroes of Starcraft set!

Card Text

Battlecry: Summon two 3/4 Zealots with Charge. Your Protoss minions cost (2) less this game.

Flavor Text

Artanis will forge a new future for the protoss, even if it means destroying everything they ever knew.

Artanis Additional Information

Hero Power:

Zealot Token:

Cards Relating to Artanis

Twin Blades
Type: Hero Power - Cost: 2
Give a friendly minion and your hero +1 Attack this turn and Divine Shield.
Type: Minion - Cost: 3 - Attack: 3 - Health: 4

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